Monday, November 24, 2014

A part of nature I am grateful for

I have always loved the beach. I'm actually a little surprised because I remember very clearly the first time we went to the beach as a family. We went with our friends the Anderson's and that night we were taking a walk, it was dark outside and we children were skipping along the edge of the water, suddenly a wave came up and knocked us under. At least it knocked me under I think some others went under is well. I remember tumbling under the cold water in my clothes and smashing into sand and feeling very scared. Brother Anderson grabbed me up out of the water and saved me. With this traumatic first experience you would think I wouldn't like the beach so much. You with the wrong. I've always loved it to go there and sit in the warm sand and play in the water, to look at the sky and enjoy the majesty. It's so vast and so powerful. I love the colors of the water to calling it blue almost doesn't do it justice as it has so many shades and dance and sparkles and sometimes dark swirly  turbulence, it has its own life.
Anna  is in Hawaii right now and sent this darling picture of Joneaux and Deo enjoying the water.

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