Friday, September 11, 2015

the DMV

and other scary things.

Today Rob has the day off.  He gets every other Friday off.  It's kind of crazy.  He's always had off Friday's but before this move he never actually got to take them.  So there's that.  It's nice to have the day off.

We started on the garage. By we I mean mostly he.  I haven't wanted to start on it because our house is full and where are we going to put anything else?  I do not know.  Before we started I made a mental list of things we were missing, keeping in mind that there are at least 60 boxes in the garage.  I came up with a list of four.
1. our legos.
2. my beater to the kitchen aid.
3. the piano books.
4 (courtesy of Grace) one of the herd.  A little glass elephant mom and baby are missing.
There was nothing else that we were missing that I could think of.  Yet there sat the 80+ boxes.  I don't know.

So we began.  Rob really wanted to get some cabinets hung and he did that.  I found the legos and the piano books but not the elephant pair or the kitchen aid beater.  We made a pile of things to throw away and another of things we need to find a spot for.  He worked hard and made a good dent.  I worked less hard but I do want it done so I'm glad one of us had our heart in it.

Then I took a break to go out to lunch with a new friend and he got ready to go to the DMV.

Before he left he told me he wasn't expecting a lot of success on  the first visit.  I had to laugh and shake my head at the same time.  It's sad.  We looked up what we needed, as we always do, but like every other trip, to any motor vehicle place, in any state we have lived in, there was incomplete information, and as predicted it will require a second trip.  He did manage to get a new drivers license and that only took 2 1/2 hours.  I am calling it a success.

Normally when we move somewhere I go first.  This is to his great advantage because I am then the one who has to have a repeat visit.  This time my car's registration is not expired in MD and his was, and I have only been here a month and a half and he's been here 4 and a half, so my urgency was much lower and he got to go.  Still my turn will come.  As will his return trip.  (head shaking).

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