Friday, September 30, 2016

RIP Percy

Our handsome kitty boy passed away while we were gone. He was sick before we left, but we really thought he would get better. I don't know if things would've turned out differently if I had stayed home? I guess I will never know, but I think I will always feel bad. He really was a super awesome amazing cat. He was smart and funny and energetic. He knew how to open doors, that was his newest trick now that he was finally big enough to reach the bathroom door and let himself out through the dog door. He could sit on command, pop up on a stool when asked, and sometimes come when we called him from outside. Everyone loved to sleep with him and to make him purr by cuddling him.
some favorite Percy photos
Hannah came home yesterday  afternoon to check on him and she was the one who found him dead. This was, as you can imagine, super traumatic.  After she called us crying we tried to decide what she should do.  At first we thought she could just put a towel on him and we would take care of him when we got back..although the thought of a dead cat laying on the floor for 2 days was kind of gross.

Finally she called friends and they rushed over and problem solved together.  Madi and Hannah made a coffin and everyone wrote nice sentiments on it, things Percy liked were mentioned like: ear plugs (a favorite snack) the feather duster, cheese and ham, eating lizards and hamsters, Ziva, running, outside, the rock, etc.  They didn't mention hiding behind the curtain but he did love that too.  The boys in the meantime were to pick him up and dig a hole to bury him in. Several boys showed up to help.  You know what that means? One boy might be a help, a group of boys, with girls to rescue, become significantly less able to actually help.  Many tools were employed and a small trench was dug.  Comfort was given and finally a boxed cat was lovingly placed on the kitchen table, (not my first choice of where to leave him) with flowers to mark the resting spot.

You can picture the scene in your minds eye I am sure.  The bravery, the tears, the rummaging in the garage for every sharp instrument we own, the ice cream bowls left in the sink (part of the mourning process I am sure).

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The bottom line is it was super sweet for the kids to come and help and I know that helped Hannah in a difficult situation.

When we got home and told Grace she was very sad and she and dad took him to be cremated. 

I am sad.  I will miss that guy.  He was a little ball of happiness. 

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