Sunday, February 7, 2016

Opposites attract

Rob and I are opposites. I like dogs and he likes cats. Well he also likes dogs. 

He's a night owl, I like to go to bed early.

He's a fish in the water, I need floaties in the shower:)

He is tall and I am short.

What else? 
We both like dessert.
And traveling.
And our grandkids.
And serving in church.

He is smart. I don't add well. But I have a better sense of direction.

He wants to fly a plane, like with a license and everything. I don't like to fly.

I am nicer and neater, but he gets things done and is driven. 

He can sing. I can not. Really can not.

He has good balance and good hearing, me not so much.

We both like to read.
To have company over.
And spend too much time with our electronics.

Maybe it's more that we are complementary than opposites.

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