Wednesday, November 21, 2012

thanksgiving eve

 Today was a happy day. We slept in.  Bliss. 
R took E and Lu fishing.  They still haven't caught any fish but I am sure the big one is out there :)
Han and I did some cleaning and then headed to Chipotle,
 always tasty.  After we were done eating we did a bit of Christmas shopping.  Got some gifts bought, the first of the year.  We put up one of our trees.  This year we are having an owl themed tree.  It's not too full yet but I think it will fill up over the years.  Our regular tree is real so it won't show up for a few more weeks.
In the afternoon Julia came over to play.  She and Lu built a fort in the bedroom.  Ethan went to John's.  Hannah spent hours on the phone.

Tonight R and I went on a date to see Breaking Dawn 2 and it was the best Twilight yet!!!!!!!!!!!  So awesome! I also watched the season finale of Covert Affairs.  Auggie and Annie finally got together!  Now I can't watch the next season because I am sure they will do something to spoil it.

There are a lot of movies coming out that I want to see, which is unusual.  I don't think I will be able to fit them all in there are so many.

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