Wednesday, December 2, 2015

What did you do today?

I was talking on the phone with Rob this evening.  He asked me the question he often does, what did you do today?  I don't ask him, because it's above my pay grade, although I do ask him what he ate for lunch from time to time, or what time he'll be home.  So I usually list off a bunch of exciting stuff : like did the laundry, watched Gibbs, talked to so-and-so, or I'll tell him some news I heard. It's all very riveting :)

Today I told him that Michelle is the new RS Pres in the Patuxent ward, we both agreed that she will be awesome.  I told him that the McCombs are going to Italy for Sister Sottilli's wedding and that our friend's daughter (from TX) who is fighting cancer isn't doing very well. I forgot to talk to him about the shooting in San Bernadino or that Grace was chosen for the robotics team.  I also told him that we are this close to finished with our Christmas shopping.  We have two gifts left to buy I know what they will each be.  That conversation just made him see $$ I am sure :)  Then I told him about a book I stayed up way too late last night reading.

Then we got to the expensive news.  I try not to lead with that whenever possible.  Dani booked a trip to Ireland for Hannah, Sierra and I.  We have to pay her back our parts but it's done! We are going!! In April!! Can not believe it.  Seriously crazy.  We have been talking about it for 3 years.  Dani has had her money sitting in her sock drawer waiting for the day.  At one point, since I was the hold up, I suggested they go with out me, and I was sincere in the offer.  They said no, it wouldn't be the same without me.  Am I the luckiest mom in the world or what?

And the also expensive but not as pleasant news, I went to the endocrinologist today, as I do.  I had some labs done a couple weeks ago.  My thyroid is a little off, my cholesterol more than a little, and my BMI...well that's an embarrassment.  He told me to lose 70 lbs.  Now.
Losing weight is something I think about all the time. Of course, like all fatties. I want to be fit, sort of.  But I also want to eat what I want when I want.  Eating is social, and it's recreational and it's an addiction.  Insert sad, embarrassed emoji. Well I am going to do it this time.  I called my friend Kim, who is a health coach, and I am starting...not after Christmas, but right now. I'll let you know how it goes.

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