Thursday, December 10, 2015

Diet Log: day 1

So as I previously mentioned I am on a diet.  I am excited, weird I know.  I really am looking forward to being in much better health.

So today I woke up knowing this was it, Day 1.
I ate my perscribed breakfast and was very happy to find that it was tasty.  Phew!  Then I began to get ready to go visiting teaching.
That was when the first obstacle hit (those first 2 hours were a piece of cake, now the challenges would begin).  Tami called to see if we could meet at Starbucks over hot chocolate instead.


great, now what.  Surely I couldn't just have water and tell them I was on a diet.  It would be so shocking and upsetting to find out that a fatty was dieting.  What if they hadn't noticed I need to lose weight?  Because obviously if you don't talk about it it isn't so.  (hello Cleopatra, queen of denial)

Well I got there, got a water bottle, and we sat down and guess what? It worked out fine.  Crazy right??
The day went well.  I didn't cheat, not even once.
And I weighed, measured and photographed myself (with Hannah's help).  Somethign I have never done on any of the other 1,000 diets I've tried.
still before
Tonight I feel a little thinner and happy with the day.  It was a good start.  Now it's just on to the next 364 days.

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