Wednesday, June 11, 2014

last week

Zoe, Grace, Madison and Julia
This morning it is pouring rain.  Such a gale that when I walked from my porch to the car I got drenched, wet like I had to change my clothes all the way down to my skin because I was soaked.  The kids will have a wet bus ride I'm afraid.

Yesterday after school I took Lu to the pool.  Ethan was off playing with the boys and they didn't want to swim.  Hannah was home "cleaning her bathroom". The pool was pretty busy, which was really fun for Grace.  I mostly sat and read while watching them but I did get in and it was pretty n ice.  It was a lot of fun to watch as kids arrived and shouted to each other in happy greetings.  Grace and her friends looked like a burst of neon energy as they ran around in their bright swim suits and with their loud laughs.

Last night we went to the Callihan's for Quayde's graduation.  It rained then too.  

When we got home I quickly put the blond one to bed then got on a  conference all presidency meeting.  It was kind of funny Rob was downstairs doing the same thing for Bishopric.  Technology is great.  There are a lot of things I prefer about meeting in person  but you can't beat the convenience of the phone meeting!

Two more half days of school until summer!

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