Sunday, June 29, 2014

Camp Winona

 Grace had a great time at camp.  She was full of stories, so much so that it took two days to hear them all.  Her favorite friend at camp was a little girl named Darryn.

She loved archery and found that she was pretty good at it.  She loved the pool and was a red band swimmer, which meant that she could dive down 8 ft and could swim anywhere she wanted.
 Some of the food wasn't her favorite but the bug net on the bed was good and kept all the bugs away.  She learned a lot of songs. Did not like the hike but did like the many art projects and fun times.
She said one girl went home because she was home sick but Grace herself never felt worried or scared.  We had talked about what it would be like a lot before she left and she got a blessing and I told her that each morning and each night daddy and I would kneel and pray for her.  I think these things gave her great comfort and she had a FaBuLouS time!  She wants to go back next year!!

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