Friday, October 7, 2011


I am normally the first up in the morning.  It's still dark at 5:40 when I make my way to Hannah's room.  She is never too happy to see me :)  This morning she got up quickly and we chatted while she got ready.  Tonight R and I are taking her to the temple, she is very excited as she has wanted to go for a long long time and is finally 12.  I made her breakfast and a mug of hot chocolate and at 6:30 we opened the door into the dark.  Matthew was waiting in the drive way, as he is every morning, and the two of them headed off toward the bus.  A good morning chat and cup of warm hot chocolate is all I can give her to fortify her for the day.  The rest is up to her.

Depending on who is up or not I may go back to bed at this point.  Normally Lucy is up and wanting to play the piano or read a book.  This morning R was up, he often is.  Lu showered while I got her clothes and then I sent E to the shower and went downstairs to make oatmeal, and lunches.  Lu wandered down with her clothes in hand (instead of on her body) and looked outside where she spotted two deer drinking in the pond and an interesting mist. 
She went out, it was cold, and took a good look.  The deer obliged and stuck around a while.  So did the mist.  Cold air, warm oatmeal, two deer to say good morning, sweet!