Tuesday, October 4, 2011

little projects

I have time during the day when the kids are in school.  It's strange.  I am subbing but haven't gotten many calls.  I have been job hunting and have put in not a few applications but nothing has turned up.  The challenge is I don't want to work while they kids are home.  I have applied for a few that seemed like a great fit to me, but didn't get called.  So we shall see.  I know money is tight for everyone, even a good income doesnt' stretch too far with the price of everything going up.  So I am grateful and I try and be wise, and I am hopefull the perfect situation will come up (meaning the scheudle works well for our family, I am not too particular about what kind of work I do..for now anyway)

So what do I do during the day?  I clean.  I like my home to be clean but frankly do not find fufillment in the day in day out maintance of our home.  I don't mind it but it's not the purpose of my exisitence. 

I cook.  I pay bills. I go to the library.  I volunteer.  I work on YW stuff.  I watch NCIS.  I do laundry...a lot of it.  I sometimes do soemthing with a friend and I have been dabbling in some crafting. 

 Here is a chair seat I recovered.  Nana refinished this beautiful desk and it's been in H's room.  We moved it down to our alcove and I love it there and love the toile print on the seat. 
I made this cute gift bag out of capri sun pouches.  Lu used it when she went to Maggie's birthday party.

During RS super Saturday, which I did not go to, I saw these cute book slings and thought I could make one.  I found a cute elephant fabric and it turned out pretty cute. 

I made a couple of cute crayon roll ups.  We sent one to Tate and Lu kept one.

I have a couple other projects in the works.  I like the quick and easy ones.


  1. Wow. I love the projects! It will be a long time before all my kiddos are gone. I anticipate doing some projects then, too. Miss you.

  2. I like the quick and easy craft things, too.
