Saturday, August 18, 2018

Ward Beach Party

Today was the ward beach party and it was super fun. We got there a little late and found our spot. Quickly the kids found friends and we set about meeting people.
Brandon, Ethan, Joe and Tyler
Ethan played ball, frisbee, or in the waves the whole time.
Grace either was off with a couple of girls or sitting by me visiting. We also spent a lot of time in the water with dad. 

The water was so nice. The temps are just right and the waves are gentle, which I actually like.

There were a lot of people there and we went around and said hi to lots of them and got to know some of the families. 

There was a sand castle building contest and a watermelon eating contest.

Some of us “old moms” took our chairs to the waters edge and sat and chatted while the kids played. I watched the young moms chase their toddlers and little kids in and out of the water, applying sunscreen and brushing sand off crackers. I was happy to be sitting:)

Our evening plans were to take the kids to the stake youth skating party. When we got there they were out of skates so we went to see the Meg instead. We all liked it but agreed we wouldn’t see it again. It was a little more plausible than Sharknado. 

Also apparently we don’t know how to properly apply sunscreen because we all are pink. Doh!

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