Saturday, May 13, 2017

all about Rob

Yesterday was this cuties birthday!  47years old.  We had a nice, but kind of low key, day together.  We both went to work.  Before we left though I made him breakfast in bed: eggs & sausage and english muffins.
When he got home we took Ethan to meet his friends at the movies and then went to the mall.  I wanted to get him some new church shoes but wanted his foot with me so I couldn't surprise him.  Nana and Abba send him some presents that were a surprise so that was good.
Then we went to Barnes and Noble.  He wanted a map.  Then we went to the "jeep" store.  That's what the kids call auto zone or whatever it's real name is. Finally we went to dinner.

That was the birthday portion of the day.  Then we put on our parental hats and went to pick up Grace at the school.  She went on her first band competition. They competed in the morning and then went to 6 Flags. I was worried about her going with out me.  She was the only 6th grader invited to the competition. Anyway, everything went well.  She loved it, had fun with her friends,  and they scored well at  the competition.

Then we went to Walmart to buy water bottles and Gatorade for the eagle project.  Then it was time to pick up Ethan.  We had agreed to a meeting time and place.  And he wasn't there. So we waited a while and he still wasn't there.  Then I texted him.  No answer.

Backing up the story.  Thursday he says to me "tomorrow can I go to the movies with Sam and some friends?" This is on the drive home from school and Sam is in the back seat. I said, sure.  Who's going?  They list off some names.  All boys.
Fast forward to Friday afternoon.  We drop him off and there are girls standing there too.  One cute, tall, brunette seams especially happy to see him.  Hmmm.
The plan was see a movie then go to Red Robin and grab a burger.

So we're at Red Robin and can't find him.  I think maybe they've decided to eat somewhere else.  The theater and a million restaurants are all around the mall.  I try to text some of his friends.  So we start driving to different places and I walk in a look and he's not there.  I am not actually worried but I am annoyed.  This comes on the heels of the tennis match mix up a couple of weeks ago, when I was actually worried.  Anyway an hour passes.  I am now mad and he texts where he is and says can we get him in half an hour? Nope.  Now.
He got to enjoy a lovely lecture on the way home.  It is not too much to ask to be informed about changes in plans.  I am happy for him to hang out with his friends, to go out and do fun things.  I just want to know where he is.

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