Saturday, June 25, 2016

birthday boy

 We are finally all home.  It was a long week, but a good one.  Rob got a lot of work done.  He's been working on a whale carving and pool maintenance.

Grace's camp report:  She had fun.  She made four friends.  Her favorite friends were Jude and Lauren C.  Her favorite activity was zip lining and catching a fish.  She wasn't signed up to fish but asked if she could and her leader said she could try but couldn't have a hook.  So she made a twine pole and quickly caught a little fish.  Everyone was super surprised and she felt like Uncle Michael!  She was pretty good at archery and even hit the bulls eye more than once.  They swam, hiked every day, played with the pets at the camp, had a couple of camp fires.  She said it wasn't too hot at night and the food was good.  I think it was a great week.   Now she kind of doesn't feel well but hopefully that will pass quickly.

Ethan had a great time.  He said the best parts were the boat ride to the island, it was fast and bumpy like a roller coaster and kayaking.  They snorkeled, explored sea caves and swam.  Pres. Silva went spear fishing and then made everyone ceveche from the fish he caught, which Ethan liked.  They saw lots of fish and seals and sea lions . They also saw lots of birds and foxes.  He said nothing was really afraid of them and the foxes kept stealing their food.  At one point they decided to catch one so they put food in a tent and the fox went right in.  They zipped it up and then he went nuts.  Next they sent Jordan in to catch it but he couldn't.  Finally they left the tent unzipped so the little guy would leave but Ethan said he just stayed in the tent for a long time peeing on all their stuff. Which I thought was just.

It was good in every way, and no great whites were spotted.

Today is Ethan's birthday so when we all were finally home and clean we went out to dinner.  He choose In n Out.
A Letter!!!
I wore my new awesomely cute shoes and was taller than Hannah for the first time in a while!
My new shoes!
new shoes
On the way home we stopped at a random fruit cart.  We see them all over the desert and people are always stopped getting stuff.  When we went up to ask the guy about it we had a language issue so finally we just said yes to whatever he asked and we ended up with a big cup of fruit with something yummy but hot and spicy on it and lime.  Now we know!
random desert fruit cart
We agreed we stop again and get the fruit but not the stuff on it.

I can't believe our boy is 14.  Crazy!  He wants to have a party in a few weeks so that will be fun.

Hannah's camp report: (even though I was there).  She had a really good time.  She enjoyed all the girls and the lessons and the hike.  She was a good YCL and finished certifying and received her little box.  It was a good week for her and she was happy.  She heard from Sawyer and that was awesome!

My camp report:  It was good, exhausting but good.  It's good to spend time with people at camp, friendships are made when you serve and sacrifice and spend time together. It was so beautiful up there in the mountain tops, that part I loved.  I love being with the girls and the other leaders.  It was really different from other camps I've been to, but that's fine.  There are lots of good ways to do things, and new and different ways are awesome.  It's all about the stretch!

Now I am tired and the house is a W.R.E.C.K! but it's fine, we will clean and sleep and get back to normal. 

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