Monday, September 24, 2012

worlds worst camera

 My camera is so annoying, and I misplaced R's good one.  So smudgy memories is all we get.  Anyway.  Today was Chelsea and Joseph's birthdays and we got invited to a birthday BBQ/bonfire/fun fest at the beach.  It was a super beautiful night and we had so much fun!
 Colleen and Laura made a delicious dinner and we visited and ate.  The kids mostly ran around and ate a little.  We built a fire.  The kids rolled down the hill, played hide-n-seek-tag, played on the playground, made smores, sang, jumped, scampered, skipped, cart-wheeled and otherwise frolicked.
 Eventually the sun set and it got dark and cold and late (for a school night) so we reluctantly packed up and came home.
 There is nothing better than a break in the routine,  Monday night, outdoor outing with good friends.

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