Saturday, August 4, 2012

hats, cute and otherwise

 I have been watching Downton Abbey the last few weeks.  It has been a delight.  I love Dame Maggie Smith in HP and even more here, she is so cute and funny.  I also love the hats and this morning I watched the end of season 2 the Christmas party and I was TH-RILL-ED when Lady Mary and Matthew finally got engaged.  As happy as I was for Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy.  I am tempted not to watch the next season because I don't want anything to go wrong for them and if I stop now in my head they can always be happy.
 I have also been learning to crochet this summer.  ahem!  Originally I wanted to make the cute little witch hat below for Penny, who is spending her very first Halloween with her very delighted Mimi.  Isn't it cute?  I thought I'd better practice before tackling such a project so I made the above hat.  I am not sure what went wrong but clearly it's dreadful.  These things always look better on Pinterest, or in my head.  Well, I am starting on the witch hat despite all evidence that I am not up to the task so wish me luck.
R is at soccer coach training.  He had homework all week, hours and hours and now 16 hours of class time ahead of him this weekend.  Hopefully it will be fun.

Yesterday we went school supply shopping.  The kids had fun, the bank book did not.  We are now stocked up on paper, pencils, crayons, magic soap, dry erase markers, kleenex, and all the other things we needed to buy for the classrooms.  We also have our lunch boxes, back packs, and new shoes.  We can start school.

The kids have been playing with friends, having friends over, going to friends homes about every day.  We've been swimming.  Two more weeks of summer.  I am ready.  I do love summer but cooler weather, a nice schedule and quiet days will be lovely.

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