Thursday, December 29, 2011

so much fun at the zoo (and I'm not talking about our home)

Today was zoo day!  Love the zoo!  We rode the metro down (always part of the fun), then did the hike to the zoo.  It was a bit chilly but really for December it was nice.  We could bundle up and it was okay and although not all the animals were out we got to see plenty and the ones that were out seemed lively and happy.

 We got to watch the giant panda lumber around.  He had a great time and was so fun to watch.  Tate liked him and so of course Mimi and Grandpa got her a stuffed one to take home with her.
 We enjoyed the lion, who put on a show roaring, the elephants that were literally jogging in their enclosure and playing with their toys and the always favorite tamarinds and elephant nose shrews.
 R took a nap in the think tank while the rest of us watched the orangutans get fed and Bub almost lost his lunch in the ape house, because he thinks it stinks!
 Lu bought a new member for her herd, a cute little brown elephant she named "zookeeper".
 And we played on the playground.
When we got home we went to Salsas and ate the most delicious dinner. 

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