Tuesday, December 20, 2011

6 going on 16

 The kids have been playing.  Yesterday Ethan played with Webb and Grant in the morning and Matthew in the afternoon.  In the morning they rode bikes and played soccer.  In the afternoon they played soccer, then wii soccer, then at the playground, then some more soccer, then watched youtube video's of..soccer.  Lu played with Julia and built a fort with all our bedding in the linen closet.   Jenna played with Brian and Sierra went to work.  Hannah tortured people and watched TV.
Today we had family cleaning hour.  I let everyone choose their jobs.  Lu wanted to clean the toilets, she is newly proficient at it and thinks it is very fun to "clean with poison".  She also did sinks.  Ethan emptied all the trash cans and wiped the kitchen cabinets and cleaned his room.  Jenna fixed the linen closet and Sierra washed the windows, Hannah vacuumed the house and I cleaned the kitchen including the fridge.  It was so fun for me to work along side cheerfully working children.

Then Lu invited Mags over.  Ethan played with Webb and Grant and later he had Eric over, Hannah invited Chelsea.  Jen had Bri and Sierra went to work.

Sierra and Jenna also went to the dentist and had no cavities and oddly they each have one wisdom tooth (only) on the lower left of their mouth that they need to have removed. 

Brian and Jenna making peppermint pinwheel cookies for me to take visiting teaching tonight

Chelsea and Hannah wrapping gifts

It's great to have minions!

1 comment:

  1. well we all know the only reason you had all those kids was so they would do all your work for you! ;) so glad you all had a good and productive day, love those!
