Saturday, November 14, 2015

looking for the good

 Yesterday Paris was attacked by terrorist.  We live in a small world where the news travels fast and what happens to someone on the other side of the world has a real impact on everyone.  Emotional, financial, political, (oxford comma for Hannah), so even if you are not physically there it's still real.  I think this is like 9-11 from a world perspective.  Paris is an icon, it is 1st world, civilized, alive with people and culture, and definitely on the list of "safe" places to travel, live and be. Yet in a senseless, calculated, coordinated attack terrorist hit 6 locations, killing too many and injuring many more. What is wrong with people?  The influence of evil is so strong, sometimes it feels like it really overshadows and even dims that of good.  The forces of evil are launched in a final effort and it's scary and the casualties are high.  Every day and every where as I look around the world I shake my head.  This winding up scene, is slow slow slow to unfold and I think "it can't get worse, He must be coming soon" and yet we still wait and watch and try to stay strong and good.  We try to make a change for good.  It's exhausting. The physical attacks are awful.  The attacks on the family, morality, moral right, God and faith, the very idea that something is "right" are rampant and hard pressing and ever present. I just want to yell STOP!
Yet we do not lose hope.  We hold on and look for the good.  We work on being good and follow Christ, being His disciples, teaching our children to do the same.  And for me, I look for joy where it can be found.  I don't want to succumb to a spirit of fear and grief.  I want to see the silver lining, recognize my blessings, help the good.

These three and their happy good lives make me happy and proud.  I LOVE my children so much, all 6.  These three I miss and think about and am so happy that I was blessed to be their mom, and that they grew up to be good and faithful women. 
I love those boys too, the sons I didn't give birth to but that are mine now.  Greg and Clayton are excellent husbands, Greg is a kind and good father, and they both are wonderful to their crazy MIL.
The grands.  Well they are just that GRAND!! Love those babies.  It is so wonderful to me to know that they are being raised by goodly parents. That they are being taught to follow the Saviour while they are small. 
And I feel so happy and blessed with the three at home.  I can't imagine if my nest was now empty.  Rob and I have a great privilege to be their parents.  They bring me joy everyday, and laughter, and energy, and things to do.  I love it!

So last night we went on a date to see "Love the Coopers" a Christmasy film that made me laugh.  Then we ate yummy soup.

The night before that we went to meet with the stake presidency.  Rob is getting a calling that will require him to be ordained a high priest.  I am very happy for him.  He's a good, smart, caring man and will do many great things. It's a milestone in a weird way; we don't seek for service opportunities in the church, we don't lobby for callings with authority, or believe in a hierarchy of positions per say. But the truth is when those chances come it is a great blessing.  It's a time of growth and a validation that you have earned the Lord's trust.  I am always pleased to be asked to give more of myself, my time and talents and whatever I have. And I am pleased when Rob is, or the children are, or a sister or brother.  It just is wonderful to give our lives to God.  And so I am ever so happy and grateful for and in behalf of my good husband. 

The night before that the children made quilts at mutual for the painted turtle.  We brought a bunch of fleece.   We have been given many many many opportunities to donate things and $ since moving here. In fact the asking seems endless. Right now, this second, Ethan's school is collecting canned good, white socks and cash.  Grace's school is asking for $$$.  This week we have bought fabric and gift cards for Christmas giving. And every day on the street people ask for $$.  I am ever so grateful that we have the means to help a little bit here and there.  The list of needs is overwhelmingly not ending.  Which is okay I guess, and I am happy to give.  I wish there was less need, not for me so I don't have to give but for those who are in need so they don't have to want.

I worked Thursday and Friday this week.  Two days in a row means my house is a wreck today.  A woman of greater character would not run into this but I can't seem to work and keep up the other end of my duties with any great success.

As a family right now we are reading through the gospels.  I love to do that in the months leading up to Christmas.  It's an great time to reflect on the life of Jesus Christ.  To talk of Christ.  To think of Him and to teach about Him to the kids and ourselves.

In my personal studies I am back in first Nephi.  A favorite!

Today we have soccer, tap, play practice, a hair cut (or 2), family cleaning hour and a shopping trip, and..... the usual busy-ness.

Morning selfie

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