Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Websters Field

Today I got to go on a field trip with Bub.  They go on some awesome field trips in STEM.  It's an early morning.  Those kids catch the bus at 6:30am to drive 30 minutes to school. They were happy to ride in the car today.  We got there, got our groups and went to the base.  It was pretty interesting.  I often marvel to myself at the kinds of jobs people we know have.

The kids were so good.  They have black polos with the STEM logo for all their field trips so they were all dressed the same and they all carry the same burgundy science notebook.  Those kids were so attentive and respectful.  They took notes everywhere we went, asked great questions, answered questions with amazing insight...and played pen pong as we walked from building to building.  (A fabulous game where you use your science notebook (hardbound) as a paddle and a pen as a ball and wiffle it back and forth.

I am the safest person ever to have in a secure location.  We had to lock our cell phones up in each building and stay with the group but honestly I am no danger.  This is all I really heard "wah wah wah wah wah contamination suit, blah blah blah Interrogation Friend or Foe, yadda yadda random equation random equation blah blah blah". Not because I don't care or didn't find it interesting. I totally do and did but it doesn't really register.  At one point we were looking at some kind of radar and something something fill in the blank when the guy said who knows what's the speed of sound in meters per second? And someone (or two) enthusiastically waved their hands and one yelled out an answer and the others said "he said per meter not per mile!!" like duh?

That was a faux pas if I ever heard one!

I'm really glad he has a good program to participate in.

No pictures because no cameras were allowed but the base is right on the river, so pretty.

unrelated but very funny picture that needed sharing.

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