Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Yesterday I went visiting teaching.  When I picked up Malia I went inside and saw these beautiful felted dolls that Tracie had made.  They were aMaZinG!  We visited with Sarah and her cute girls.  Abby wanted us to go home :) and when we left she wanted us to still be there.  Love 5 year olds!  I also visited Darlaina  so now I only have Laurel and I will be 100%.  That would be lovely, and unusual. 

Last night was Brownies. Each year the girls make "operation christmas child boxes" and last night they brought enough stuff to fill and mail 10 little boxes.  It's a nice little service they get to do.  Grace really wanted to keep one of the items we bought for herself.  I told her that's how she knows it's a really good gift, it she would want it herself than probably another 8 year old girl would too.
They made cute ornaments and had a fun night.

Some things that made me laugh this morning: Z.  She is my waking up the kids helper.  Each morning, 5:40 am, we stumble down the hall to Ethan's room.  I turn on the light and wake him up, Z is back up. She jumps on the bed and licks him every where until he is up, then she licks at his heels as she herds him to the shower.  It's pretty funny.

Last night we had another washing machine incident.  Once again the miracle worker (Rob) was able to identify and remedy the situation (sadly one of these days he won't be able to and then what? we buy a washer? or I start pounding laundry on rocks?  since I wash dishes by hand I think I will just cross my fingers that this one lasts forEVER) When Ethan went to bed there was still some question about whether on not clean underpants would b available to him this morning so while he was in the shower I got his stuff out and put it on my bed, then I said to R, who was shaving while E was showering, "tell Ethan I put his outfit on my bed for him", knowing that boys don't wear outfits.  Then I heard him say to the shower,  "Ethan, mom put your clothes on the bed".  I don't know what but the translation made me laugh.  

Last night I made ham casserole for dinner. It was good.  The children didn't like it.  Why do I feed them?

Also last night R and I went through a couple of the boxes in the garage.  We had a loft built for storage out there and are culling some crap so there is room to be organized with the useful stuff. Where does all this stuff come from??

Tonight is YW/Scouts/Activity days.

Hoping for a snowy ride this winter :), Annie and I look just like this ;)

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