Wednesday, February 27, 2013

funny things the kids say and do

The kids generally crack me up.  They are a lot of fun.  I guess that's why I have so many :)  Sadly I forget most of the funny stuff so I thought I'd just jot down a few. 

This morning Lu came in our room bright and early, as usual.  She asked to play with my phone.  When I came out of the shower and went to get her I peeked over at what she was playing, expecting to see bad piggies or swipped.  Instead she was watching youtube videos of fish surgeries.  She's been watching those for a couple of weeks now.  Who knew right?  She had asked me several weeks ago if vets did surgery on fish and I said no I didn't think so but we looked it up to make sure and I was wrong, they do.  So funny.  She wants to be a vet when she grows up.  I think she might.  She's very interested in animals and science so that seems like a likely combo.

Today is twin day at Ethan's school.  He and John dressed alike, black athletic pants with a red strip, Barcelona shirt, red hoodie.  They sat in the back of the car on the way to school, I always love to listen to them during my carpool week.  Today they were talking about wanting to go to Disneyworld together, a dream they think can never be realized...until, a brilliant plan was hatched.  Ready for this?  When they are adults they will have a "fake business" set up.  They will put funds into their "business" account and then one day they will tell "the wives" that they have a meeting and then they will fly to Disneyworld and meet up.  Problem solved.  Both boys agreed that this was a satisfactory plan and they moved on to talk about some level on a game they both play. 

Lastly lately Hannah has been getting a lot of attention from boys.  They ask her out or want to be her boyfriend.  She laments this to me and wonders what to do.  The other night we were walking the dogs, she and I, and she was talking about the latest boy and then she said "curse my good looks, charming wit and great fashion sense!"  It's such burden.  She was joking around of course but I still found it very funny.

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