Thursday, February 21, 2013

worst employee ever

 This little puppy got into some Valentines candy and it made her very sick.  Yesterday I got home from work and found diarrhea around the house upstairs.  I cleaned it up..then came downstairs to go to an appointment, followed by a new beginnings, and found more.  I couldn't stay to clean up phase 2 of the mess so I called R to warn him and when he and E got home from the STEM family challenge he found even more mess.  It was ugly.  He and Lu cleaned carpet and doggie.  I <3 my spot bot, without which I am pretty sure Z would have been adopted to a new family before now.  Puppy potty training is not going as well as I want.  R reminds me that all pups take awhile and to be patient.  Grrr.
 This last weekend R had to resurrect, again, this old washer.  It's running again, yay!  Spot bot is leaking now.  Hopefully he can fix it next.  That little thing is a neccessity and has gotten quite the work out the last few days.
 Yesterday was the STEM family challenge, they had to build a bridge that could hold the most marbles.  Ethan and John came in 2nd.

Lu has a new hobby.  They have legos for girls and she's been wanting a set.  I bought her one the other day and she's been building with it every day and now wants more.  I am surprised.  Ethan has never been a lego lover, he has several sets and he's even enjoyed putting a few together but it hasn't been a huge thing for him, which frankly surprises me as well, I thought math brains liked legos.  He is not one for puzzles or legos so much.  But Lu is.  She's a smart girl, maybe she will be the one to follow in her fathers footsteps and be an engineer?
Watched the end of Downton Season 3 last night.  I need a bereavement day now.  It was bad enough when Sybil died but Matthew???  Why?? He was so kind and good.  It's very upsetting.
Luckily, or not so luckily Z has made such a mess that R wanted  me to stay home with her and make sure she is properly taken care of, as well are our carpets kept safe.  I didn't want to.  I am the worst employee ever as I barely manage to show up.  No wonder I can't have a real job, also it causes me great stress to miss work.  Or really to not be somewhere I should.  It's awful really.  But I always do as my husband asks, ahem...well I try to, honestly I do.  So I was home.  Got some cleaning done.  Walked the dog.  Reflected on the marriages (not mine actually but Mary and Matthews, as well as the rest of the shows, as well as some people I know in real life who are happy or not depending.  Interesting topic), wrote some thank you cards.  It was a good day.  This afternoon we have to pick up our girl scout cookie order, Hannah has play practice and R is going on splits with the missionaries. 

the end :)

1 comment:

  1. I feel the same way about my job! My sitter has been sick most of the month so I've been piecemealing child care and not showing up nearly as much as I "should". I try to remember that I was upfront with my bosses -- family comes first. If they don't like the situation as it is, they can get rid of me and I wouldn't blame them, but I try NOT to feel guilty about putting my family first.

    A friend who is a Downtown Abbey enthusiast posted on FB that she was outraged by the last episode. I haven't dared to watch even one episode for fear I'd be sucked in and want to spend the next few weeks watching it all the time. :-).
