Wednesday, March 30, 2016


Our RS had a challenge to have 100% visiting teaching this month.  So in true stalwart fashion my partner Lori and I went visiting teaching today, and we have our last appointment tomorrow.  The last two days of the month.

Poor Sawyer got to spend quiet an interesting day with us.  He came over and they (H&S) wanted Ethan to go adventuring with them.  They always double date or in this case date with a chaperone.  He (E) didn't want to go.  After much coaxing and a coldstone bribe he did go with them.  Then in true Ethan fashion he complained the whole time. In this case it wasn't 100% his fault, they marketed the outing as a desert adventure and instead went to Trader Joes and the pet store.

After that fun time they came home and hung out for awhile and then when I left to VT they took Grace to feed the ducks at Apollo Park.

While we were all gone Han texted me to see if dad and I wanted to double to the Harbour for dinner.  We agreed and went out to sushi.  Which I thought was both tasty and fun.  Ethan and Grace got to have chicken fajitas with rice for dinner and Ethan also got left-overs when we got back so win-win.

Unfortunately some bad grades came to light this afternoon and he (Sawyer) got treated to a bit of a grade lecture on the drive home.  In our defense you shouldn't have bad grades. Ever.  And he's over enough to be on the chore rotation and to get to hear the behind the scenes of the family.  Not our finest parenting timing admittedly, but I was upset and didn't want to just blow it off.  We have smart kids so it's frustrating when they aren't living up to their potential.

This evening we went through every one's grades to double check that our understanding was correct and then everyone, with good grades or bad, got a grade/success in life lecture.  Fun times.  It's critical to give 100% to everything you do.

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