Grace loves to fish with her dad. Every day she asks to go. Yesterday she lucked out and the weather was nice and the evening was free so off they went. Lu had the only catch of the night. After they went to subway and caught some dinner:)
Meanwhile where was I? I was at R. S. Sister Woodward, from the Calvert ward, came to speak about relationships and she did an excellent job. I emailed her this morning for a copy of her slides so I will put some more notes down in a day or two. It was a profound and uplifting night. I am glad I went, normally I don't carve the time out for the extra meetings and I really need to.
Wednesday night at Activity Days the girls had a cookie swap and made mothers day cards. Grace brought home a cute bag with treats for me. It was very sweet, literally and figuratively. R was fishing:) H and E were home, H wasn't feeling well and E had no cubs because they have an activity this weekend.
After school yesterday kind of out of the blue Hannah said her side was really hurting and she felt nauseous. I gave her some Tylenol and tums and sent her to bed.
In the morning she said she slept well but still felt really badly and it hurt when she was up and walking around. I let her stay home to rest and she slept most of the day. When I got home from Kindergarten she was up watching TV and ate so I figured she was on the mend but when we all got home for the night R was concerned because she was feeling much worse. Mainly we were worried about the pain in her side, was it a kidney infection? After consulting "webmd" and my brother we decided to go ahead and go to the ER. She and I were there until 1am. She has a virus. Once there she reported feeling just fine (shakes head with a sigh) It is a scary thing taking a kid to the doctor, you never know what will come out of their mouths. Just last week I took Lu to the doc for pink eye and she made us sound like lunatics. No one ever died of embarrassment right?
"Do you wear a seat belt in the car?" asks the nurse.
"well, not always", answers a sweet little blonde girl turning to me "remember that time mom when ....."
"Do you like school?"
"Do you ever get in trouble at home"
"Yes, all the parents lock me in my room"
"Do you watch TV alot?"
"Oh yes, my mom makes us watch hours and hours of it so she doesn't have to play with us"
Meanwhile I am trying to smile and look normal. Finally after the interrogation is over I am allowed to take my darling home with me with instructions to wear sunscreen and bug spray, try a cut out sugary treats and reckless behavior, limit TV and a sad shake of the nurses head.
Which reminds me of a cute kindergarten story. Yesterday we were making mothers day cards and the children were to write two sentences about something they like to do with their mothers and to draw a picture of them and their mother doing the activity. Jack, who is cute as a button, write:s my mom and I like to dress in chain mail and go to the arena and have battles. Sometimes there is blood. Sometimes she sits in the stadium and watches me fight. Then he drew a fabulous picture complete with the chain mail linked helmet and swords. I have met his mom and I am pretty sure that she does not dress up like a medieval era warrior on a regular basis...I could be wrong and Jack was very convincing, he made the other boys jealous as they were writing about planting flowers and baking cakes and playing at the park. Just saying.
Kindergarten is extremely entertaining.
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