Tuesday, May 21, 2013

little things

It's not the big stuff that gets to you and wears you down.  It's the little things.  I have had kids crash cars, well no one is happy but you kind of expect that it might happen and you are pretty happy no one was hurt.  You get a phone call from the school, someone is misbehaving.  Again not happy but you deal with it and the child improves and it's part of being a mom.  Someone throws up in the car, breaks a dish, tells a lie.  All these and many other things happen and I have to say Rob and I are good at patiently dealing with them.  It's a speed bump, usually unpleasant, but can be dealt with.

Then there are the little things, the fact that when anyone opens a cupboard or drawer they leave it open or that they squeeze toothpaste all over the sink everyday and expect a magical clean up to happen.  It's that when they take a towel out of the cupboard and 5 other towels fall down that they do.not.pick.up, or that they take their shoes off in the car and can't find them the next morning and that they leave a pile of debris behind them regularly.  These kind of things make me want to scream.  Seriously.  If you have a chore and then I have to go sweep up, put away the windex, or close the cupboards behind you then you have not done a good job.  You have not helped.  If you run out of TP put a new roll on the spinner, if you watch TV put the remote back, if you take off socks put them IN the hamper.  If you make a sandwich put the bread away and the knife into the sink.These are not hard things.  If you break the rules and eat on the carpet for goodness sake clean up the evidence.

Be respectful and responsible.  We teach that in kindergarten...why don't we do  it at home?

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