Sunday, March 4, 2012

divide and conquer

 Saturday dawned bright and early with lots of important things to do.  Lucy had her Daisy scout world thinking day activity.  DH and Bub took her and reported that it went well.  She said she had a good time.  Daisys has been a very fun activity for her and she looks so sweet in her little blue vest.
 Meanwhile I spent the day with Hannah at the D.I. regional competition.  It was amazingly awesome.  I had no idea the scoop of the whole event.  Their team rocked the house and took first place so now it's off to states!!! 
The challenge Hannah's team chose was to write a movie trailer showing how different cultures come together and accept one another differences.  They had to write their own script, make their own set and costumes, make their 'technical spectacular" and have an original soundtrack.  And they could have no adult interference.  They worked for literally 5 months and countless hours and it really came off wonderfully and wowed the audience and the judges!
I was an appraiser and got to watch the world outreach challenge which was inspiring.  The kids had to organize and execute a community service project and then have a performance to showcase it.  They had great ideas and really did a lot of good.

It was a super long day but really a great day too.
Hannah with her medal!

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