Sunday, October 28, 2018

After church today we played games. We played quirkle and scrabble. Sawyer won both.

We had a fun time and laughed a lot.
After dinner we went to the baptist church next door. Rob and Grace fished in their pond and Hannah took pictures of Ethan kicking the soccer ball. Ziva and I wandered around the field face timing Cora and Ruby.
Sawyer stayed home and did the dishes.

I studied the parable of the master and the vineyard yesterday. I was very touched while reading to see how often the Savior’s great love was demonstrated as He gave the branches chance after chance. 
I thought, while reading, about the plant in poor soil that was nurtured by the master of the vineyard and it thrived and brought forth good fruit. In our lives we are often in poor soil, maybe bad health, disappointments at work or school, loneliness or any number of other trials we have. Despite this, and with the Lord’s help, our life and works can be good. We can be obedient and we can thrive. What a miracle and what a blessing this is. 

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