Monday, January 6, 2014

nice start to the week

It's been a nice day.  I got a lot of loads of laundry done, which is satisfying.  I drove the seminary car pool this morning, and the rest of the week, which gets us up and going early early.  Good for the chore doing:)

Yesterday was my good friend Colleen's birthday.  We had a lunch for her at Panera Bread, we had 12 moms and a couple of toddlers and one baby.  It was lots of fun.

In the afternoon Grace and I headed out to the barn.  Proper gear makes all the difference.  I wore my giant white snowman coat and my new warm winter boots and it was awesome!  Grace said she wasn't cold until she got off.  It's a lot of work up there and I usually work up a sweat so I am not surprised that she stayed warm.  Plus she has some good gear too.

Now we are doing homework watching Narnia, fixing dinner  okay, really waiting for the pizza to arrive, and then we'll have FHE.
saying hi to Hobbit

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