Tuesday, January 14, 2014

first world problems

I find this so frustrating and a recurring theme in our home.  We buy the children something they "need" and then they do not have it when they need it.  For example, Grace likes to fish with her dad.  They like to fish year round and in the winter it is a cold muddy mess so she "needed" outdoor fishing boots".  Rob bought her some and they very happily traipse off to fish from time to time.  Today we are going on a field trip to Elms Beach.  An outdoor environmental field trip where it will be raining and muddy and cold.  I told Grace this morning put on your fishing boots.  Then we went to find them and after much searching only came up with one and then she remembered that the other was in dad's car.  So now she has to wear her new tennis shoes, which we just got last week because she outgrew the old ones and I would have made her wear the old but I gave them away.  While we are there her feet will be wet and cold and when we get back we will wash them and then they will be drabby. I will then be frustrated because for the next three months she will look even a little more scrappy each day.  She's my  hardest one to get looking nice walking out the door because a) all clothes itch and bother her but of the offending choices the only ones she can even consider wearing must be soft and comfy (read: sweat pants in the winter and shorts in the summer) and she takes her cute hair styles out almost every day so add to that some stained shoes and she's going to look like an orphan.  How does one exit a car with only one shoe on?? and why oh why, even though we provide a special location for the children to store their shoes (specially designed shoe racks in each of their own personal and not shared closets) and remind the children to put them there, is it so hard to put them away…together.  Would not you have thought at some point while putting one shoe into the closet "hmmm, I probably will want to wear two shoes when I next need these" and perchance go and fetch the lost mate?

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