Tuesday, May 28, 2019


Continues to go well.
Rob’s been out on the water every day, pretty much all day. 
Clayton’s sister and her family came to our home last night and everyone was here until around 2pm when they left to the beach house. We grilled, swam, watched the babies toddle around with their cousins. It was lots of fun to have everyone! I’m glad the babies are coming back for another half day visit this next weekend. 

My friend Jimena is moving back home to Peru tomorrow. There was a goodbye dinner and I was the only American girl invited. There was one sister from Hong Kong and everyone else was from South America . We went to their favorite Peruvian restaurant and it was really delicious! It was a fun evening for me. Even though a lot of the conversation was in Spanish I didn’t feel left out or awkward. The food was seriously delicious. I learned many things tonight 
1. I am not very fancy. The other sisters were dressed up and decked out.
2. Dinner lasts a long time (4hr)
3. Sharing dishes and taking bites is common place.
4. American food is not as full of flavor.

After the meal the chef came in the room where we were and everyone broke out in applause. He talked about the food (I guess) and everyone had things to say. There were hugs and kisses and he told us that next Saturday there will be salsa dancing for a special night. Starting at 10pm (which is when white people parties end:) )

Anyway it was a super fun night. I would love to go back. I would totally love to spend an evening with these sweet hermanas again, and I should learn to speak Spanish!

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