Thursday, August 27, 2015

Moving day 1

We went from 5000 sq ft. to 2500 sq ft. This takes a lot of downsizing. I thought we got rid of a lot of stuff before we moved. Turned out not so much. I'm going to spend the next month trying to get rid of half of what we own...most importantly (say it with me) our MD house.  The half we have to get rid of here is pretty important too.
In other news the schools here continue to disappoint. Yesterday Grace came to the car bawling because she had to go into the office at the end of the day and they gave her a letter saying she had to switch classes. They put her in a 4/5 combo without even talking to us about it first. The story is long and sordid with no happy ending and I am pretty furious about it. We have an appointment to meet with the principal on Tuesday, which is the earliest she could CS. I am not expecting good results but I will still go and register my complaint in person. We already called, left messages, and emailed. She has not responded.
So were up to our eyeballs in boxes and trying to get settled in.

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