Thursday, July 31, 2014


Today I read "Four", the fourth book in the "Divergent" series.  Enjoyed it.  In honor of that I am doing a series of "4"s.  Random.

Four things I ate today:
mango, orange pork chops
home made mashed potatoes
peanut butter oreos

Four chores I did today:
4 loads of laundry
1 cleaning of the kitchen
one dinner made
1 bathroom cleaned

Four things I did to get ready for our trip:
went to Michaels
packed one suitcase
the above mentioned laundry
talked to Val about food

Four things I watched:
BYU devotional
swimming kids (for four hours at the pool)

Four things I talked to the kids about:
Hannah's history assignment
Ethan's hair cut
Grace's gerbils and fish needing a cage cleaning
Grace's swim progress

Four things I regretted:
not exercising
eating the above mentioned oreos
getting mad at Lu and giving her a spanking
that I have so much clutter

Four things I enjoyed:
swimming with the kids
making a surprise for the babies
talking on the phone to R as he drove to work
thinking about the new grand coming

Four things people said to me today:
Val: " Tanner has a soccer tournament on the 15th"
Mom: " Chinese buffet sounds like a good idea"
Laura: "Just dive in quick it's less cold that way"
PV: "excellent counsel Sister ____"

Four things I hope to accomplish before the end of this year:
Sub at least 20 days...for airfare
get back to exercising, I was doing well right before school ended but
finally crochet something
declutter the kitchen

Four jobs I need to do tomorrow
drop off keys for the pet sitters
take boy for a hair cut

Four things I am looking forward to on our upcoming vacation:
hiking to the viking castle
going to Zupas
eating some fish that R and Greg catch
meeting Scarlett and playing with the babies

Four animals I like:
dolphins (and on the Baynet today there was video of a pod swimming right by Solomons Island)

Four things I am putting off:
paying some bills
recovering the chairs in the bedroom with the fabric I bought a year ago

Four summer sounds I like:
the conversation of owls and frogs in the night
the splash of kids playing in the pool
the crunch that shoes make on a  hike in the woods
the crack of a crab claw breaking

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