Saturday, February 22, 2014

World Thinking Day/ Merit Badge College

Grace, Kylie, Katie, Fiona, Julia
It was a scouting day at our house today. Also it was a beautiful sunny day! So nice.
Rob and Ethan spent the day at a merit badge college. He completed citizenship in the world and citizenship in the nation. He's been working on a list of pre reqs for a couple of weeks. We were very happy he got them done.

Meanwhile Grace and I had a Girl Scout event. World Thinking Day. It was very nice. Each troop chose a country, they made a poster and displays, made food to share and a swap and a craft. Our country was Spain and Grace and I made nonalcoholic sangria, which was a hit!

Once we got her settled with her troop Hannah and I went to Target and had a great time wandering around for an hour and a half until Lu was done. We had a nice chat;) 

Then I took a nap. Nice.

Tonight is date night, yay! And then tomorrow is our "day of rest" ha!

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