Saturday, February 15, 2014

"im not going to the dance" party

Last night I went with Hannah to the YW fundraising dinner. They did a lot of work and the evening was quite nice.
Ashley, Hannah and Lydia
R didn't come because Ethan was supposed to play soccer, however Ethan is sick again and missed the game:( poor guy. We are hoping he doesn't have strep.
Tonight is the Snowball. We don't want Hannah going to the high school dances. The last one was pretty inappropriate.  30+ kids left the dance in the back of a squad car for drinking, 1 left in an ambulance for alcohol poisoning, lots of twerking etc goes on there.  It's sad really.  So I don't know that she will never go because frankly the kids want to go.  They say it's nothing they don't see at school and they don't participate and I get that, really I do.  And I know we can't shelter from all that is ugly and immoral and dangerous but for this dance she did decide to stay home.  We had told her after the last dance that during dance nights she could have a party, or we could go do something fun that she would like to do.  This night she chose to have some friends over.  I think they are having a good time.  We made some delicious burgers and home made french fries and had candy and chips and soda and they have been talking and laughing.  They are watching a movie in the basement.
Holly, Alyssa, Shannon, Allison, Julia, Jenny, Melissa, Hannah, Hannah
We also made cookies and brownies and put the little kids (read: Grace) to bed so they could have the run of the place. I hope it is fun,

In other news I have been working on a "mural" for the PLDD, mural is sort of a fancy word for poster board with fish painted on them.  It's about half way done and I think it's turning out okay so far.  

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