Wednesday, February 8, 2012

leather seats

Cleaning up throw up is one of my least favorite activities.  Tonight I had a new experience with it.  We were driving home from cubs/young womens and he said he didn't feel well.  I said, "well you can go to bed when you get home".  Then I heard the tell tale "brap" and quickly rolled down the window and told him to throw up outside.  Too late.  Then he did scoot over and throw up out the window..and it blew back in.  Great.

We got home, got him showered and cleaned up and in bed then headed out to survey the damage.  Glad I have leather seats.  Still gross.

Taught 5th grade again today.  I really like the big kids, they are fun to talk to.  Unfortunately their math stumps me every time.  Today I "taught" how to measure cubic volume.  I love teaching writing and literature to them and discussing stories.  I was supposed to go back tomorrow, now I'll be home with bub.  Maybe playing RISK. 


  1. How awful that it "flew back it"--oh, gosh. Poor little guy. Hope he is feeling better soon.

  2. Oh groan, groan, groan!

    We've had 3 weeks of throwing up here, though thankfully not on and on. The baby started it and threw up once, her oldest brother threw up the next day 2ce (all over the floor, but a sitter was here and cleaned it up), then our eldest had 14 wonderful experiences one night. Ok, 12 year olds are great! She did get the bed messy the first time but after that, just hung out groaning in the bathroom until she was done. We had 2 great, vomit free weeks and then Friday night our 6 yo started throwing up everywhere. Now I'm just waiting for the next person to get sick though hope is springing eternal as it has been 3 days since M. was sick and no one else is having a problem.

    Ugh, stomach flu is awful. I hope E. is feeling better now!
