Monday, July 18, 2011


loved it!  All four of us :)  Sad it's over.  Glad good won. 


  1. Lana, Thanks for always commenting on my blog. I took a little break from blogging and was surprised to see that your old blog was full. That's amazing record keeping. You're an inspiration. And I'm very excited to catch up on all your family's adventures. LOVE you!

  2. Looks like you are having a great summer with your family.

  3. Wasn't it GREAT. I loved it so much. Allan and I did go to the midnight show on Thursday night. And when we got home around 2:45, he got cleaned up and went right to work. Can you believe it???? He figured it was pointless to go to bed--he gets up at 4:30 anyway. He was one tired boy on Friday night.

    I was very sad to see it all end.
