Friday, January 16, 2015

Friday night

Tonight the manly men went camping.
In the cold. Our friend Mark says there is no such thing as bad weather only bad gear. The boys have pretty good gear. For the camping merit badge you have to have 20 nights of camping. Ethan has about 9 or 10 now so he should finish that up this year. I don't think either Rob or Ethan love to camp but I am glad they go. 
Meanwhile we did girl stuff. We went to Target and to Olive Garden and then dyed Hannah's hair:) Next we'll cozy up in bed and watch a movie. Hannah says its wrong to stereotype "boy" stuff and "girl" stuff but I say "pishaw!" I celebrate the differences. One is not better than the other and certainly either gender can enjoy either activity but men and women are different. They have different responsibilities and different roles and I am glad.

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