Friday, April 4, 2014

9 more days...


Sometimes the children say that when I write my blog I make our lives sound more fun, and nicer than it really is.  I don't know. I try to be accurate and truthful, at the same time I do generally try to focus on the positive.  That's how life is though, you try to see the best and find joy in any circumstance.

If I wanted to I could focus on things that were less fun and complain about life instead.

I could write about how Hannah's room is such an abyss that the dog is afraid to walk into it, or I can write about how last night she spent an hour curling Grace's hair while Ethan was at soccer practice and we came home to hear them giggling together in the bathroom.

I could complain that Ethan wore his cleats up the stairs and across the house on his way to the shower and left dirt clumps all along his path like Hansel and Gretel's breadcrumb trail markers, or I could instead say how when we pointed it out to him he went and picked them least the ones he could see, which were not all of them because he didn't see them on the floor in the first place but at least he was willing and frankly the boy can't find water in the ocean.  (head shake)

I could mention that Grace stomped around "looking everywhere" for her library books, and was complaining and carrying on in a most snarky manner and then when I went upstairs they were sitting on her bed. In plain sight. Or I could tell you that when I brought them to her she said "thank you mom!" and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

I could say that this morning, before the clock even struck 6am each of the children were reprimanded for something, and one in particular didn't take it well and there was not "Beauty all around"....or I could say that dad drove Hannah to seminary and she was clean and smiling sweetly when she got there, and Lu had all her books and media free mornings were eventually remembered and adhered to, and the boy found his shoes and got his permission slip signed (the one he was supposed to show me last night but didn't) and made it out the door in time for the carpool.

There is a lot of good and sweet each day.  There is probably more annoying and frustrating each day as well and I get to chose what I write about and what I remember and I hope they younglings use the same soft perspective when they remember me.

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