Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year

New Years Day we went to church and the propane tank was empty so it was chilly.  The Bishopric decided to only have Sacrament meeting and we got out early.  After we went to the Martines' for dinner to celebrate little Alexis' blessing day.  It was yum-my! We spent a last nice evening with all the family here.
This morning we got up early and I took  Greg, Dani, Sierra and Jenna to DC so they could catch the bus to NYC.  They were excited (me too cuz I get to keep Tinkerbelle for a couple of days!!) Dad stayed home to get the kiddos off to school, vacation went by too fast.

When Tate and I came home  DH and I de-Santafied the house.  I am always happy to put up the Christmas decor, and equally happy to take it down.  The house always looks like a clean slate after we take everything down.  Our house really turned into a tornado since Christmas so even though we cleaned a lot we only got one floor done.  I guess Tate and I will do the other two tomorrow. 
Then we went shopping.  Got some warm gloves for J to take to Romania (where I am afraid she will freeze) and some running pants for R, who is now a runner and a Tinkerbell outfit for little miss who picked it herself and walked up to R and said, and I quote, "Grandpa, do you want to buy this for me?".  He said yes. 
Then we went to Panera.

Tonight we had a nice FHE.  We sang lots of songs, played bingo and wrote letters.  Now princess pony and little Lu are snoozing and we are watching NCIS with the "big kids".

Sierra and Greg won't be coming back.  They will go from NYC back to Utah.  Si is excited to go back and looking forward to school and seeing her friends.  I am glad, and sad to see her go. 

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it funny how different the house looks after Christmas. I love all the decorations, but it is nice and clean when it's "back to normal" ' ; )

    Busy but fun times, eh ; )
