Sunday, February 12, 2017


Today we had a missionary farewell at church. I always wonder where Ethan will go. Sacrament meeting was good.
I taught the Laurels.  Our lesson was on the plan of salvation.

After church the laurels came over and we baked cookies.  We only had four girls who could come but they did great in the kitchen and made some delicious chocolate chip cookies.  After we went to visit our two inactive girls and took them cookies and a calendar of the upcoming activities as well as our phone numbers.

Our visits went really well.  Our first one was to Ashley.  She let us in and chatted for a long time.  I think she was really glad we came.  After her went to Jorgie's and she also greeted us warmly.  Her mom was so cute.  She said she had been singing hymns for the last two hours while she prepared dinner and worked in the kitchen and then all of a sudden she saw us at the door.  I don't know why either of these two families stopped coming but they were both just lovely.  Jorgie's family are vegans, which we heard, so we brought a plate of our homemade cookies and also a plate of thin mints (just in case the vegan thing was true).  It was so we swapped cookies and told her we wanted to bring something she could enjoy.  She and her mom were both so grateful and thought that was particularly sweet.  It would be wonderful if one or both of the girls would start coming. We felt really happy about our visits and had a good afternoon.

Tonight Hannah made dinner.  She made really tasty tacos.  After Rob and Grace cleaned the kitchen.  I helped a little but mostly they did it.  It was an great thing.  I usually do both so it was such a treat to have someone else do the cooking and cleaning!

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