Monday, February 6, 2017


When I was growing up one of my favorite pastimes was to read.  I read a lot.  My BFF Lana also loved to read.  I don't know when it started for sure but somewhere around 4th grade we both read Nancy Drew Mysteries and we would talk about our favorites.  In elementary school I also loved all Madeline L'Engle and Summer of My German Solider made me cry, and .... I read all the time.  Lana and I would walk to the library, often, and check out tons of books.  We had a system.  We'd walk there, arms full of books..or sometimes one of our moms would drop us off.  Then after we turned them in we'd walk up and down the stacks looking for the next week's picks.  We each chose like 12-15 and then we'd sit at a round table and narrow them down, talking about them, switching back and forth, deciding together.  Then we'd check out and walk home.  Occasionally we'd look through the cards (where you used to sign your name to check out a book) and try and find one with our crushes name on it.  Dorky.
Anyway, when we got home we'd plop on the bed, at whoever's house we went to, and start reading.  Midweek we'd trade books and then when we were done we would go back talking about our favorites the whole way.

Last night I texted Audrey (Paige's mom) and told her I wasn't working today and did she want to do something to pass the time until they got all the doctor results back?  She had recently lent me a couple of books that I loved, which seems unrelated but isn't ...wait for it.
Anyway she answered yes, lets meet at chik-fila and trade books.  She had a couple she'd read and thought I might like and wondered if I had any I thought she would like.
It felt like going to a party.  I had to find the perfect book from my shelf.  I did finally choose three, hope she likes them.  And I was super excited to see what she would bring me.

So we met, and talked, and ate, and cried a little.  Cancer we hate you!  Then we drank our diet cokes, and talked more until it was time to pick up the kids.  Then we switched books.  I am very excited to  read, and to hear how she liked the ones I chose.

And that was Monday.

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