Wednesday, December 21, 2016

counting down

 Dani is so creative and fun! I love it! My favorite thing the last few days has been watching her end of the year disneybounding.  She's come up with really cute outfits!

One day she recruited Penny to help!

Today Grace wanted to make dinner for the family.  It was her first time and she made Hawaiian Haystacks, which is one of her favorites.  She did a good job.  One benefit to being the cook is you will probably like the dinner :), and she did.

After dinner we had some forced family fun.  I made everyone play games.  Ethan won.  

I wrapped a bunch of gifts today.  Weirdly I got a facebook message from Jennifer Bicknell who used to live next door to us. Apparently a couple of boxes for us got sent to our old home and the new owner needed our address so he could forward them. I can't imagine who they could be from.
It was fun to say hello.  Turns out that Matthew, who is Hannah's age, decided to graduate a year early so he's in his first semester of college.

I sooo miss living there.

In Happy Happy news Sierra might come for Christmas now!! She's debating.  She doesn't have much time off from work and it is a long drive but maybe.  That would be the icing on the Sierra birthday/Christmas cake. Of course I want her to be safe so if it's too much I understand.


  1. We miss you living here too. Love keeping up with your family through Facebook and your blog.

  2. We still miss you over here!!! Still waiting for you guys to come back from your long vacation...
