Friday, July 24, 2015


The house is empty. Our movers were super nice. They worked fast and carefully. I bought them lunch a couple of days and watched. Again this is harder than it sounds. Last night we didn't sleep well because we were on my mattress with some blankets that hadn't been packed and just the pillows we cut out of our homemade headboard.
Holly came over for some crying. Sweet girls. 
Grace slept over at Arden's. 

Today I tried to clean as much as I could around the movers. I think we have less than two hours of cleaning left tomorrow. We'll see. 
Grace spent the day with Arden and is staying again tonight. 
John invited the stem boys to the park for some goodbye tennis/basketball/football/tag/hide and seek and other games involving throwing balls at each other. Ethan was out for 5 hours running about.
 Hannah went to youth conference. I got a lot of texts and phone calls asking me to come and pick her up. It's a tough move and an anxious time. I really couldn't with the movers here all day and kept trying to encourage her. Eventually she went to Bishop Reed and asked for a blessing. He and Bro. Merrill gave her some sweet council and a wonderful blessing. It was just the encouragement she needed and I hope the rest of the conference will be wonderful.
So many people have been helping us and being kind and sad to see us go. We have truely planted our roots deep.
Dennis called me later in the evening to tell me what a wonderful young lady Hannah is. We had a nice talk and again I was encouraged and lifted. I felt the sweet assurance that we were being looked after and that we would find good work to do. 

On the way to the hotel a huge buck with big antlers darted right in front of us. We came "this close" to spending our last night in southern Maryland towing a wrecked car and picking deer fur out of the grate! Thankfully not though.
The house is empty. Our bags are packed. I can't wait to have the travel over and to be reunited with Rob and start making our life in the desert. 
Hoping the house sells...tomorrow!

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