Thursday, September 26, 2013

this and that

My back is getting better.  Yay.  It's been slow but I am happy to report that I can do chores again  Sort of.  The children have actually been quite helpful the last few days.  Well Ethan and Grace have been.  Ethan has been my laundry helper.  He puts  the load from the dryer into a basket and takes it to my bed and dumps it.  He takes the wet load out of the washer and puts it in the dryer and puts in a dryer sheet, then he loads up the washer and balances it and puts in soap and starts it.  All those steps.  By himself.  I should have hurt my back earlier...or faked it. He's done everything I've asked the first time.  Nice.
Lu has also been helpful..and she hasn't even asked me to pay her for her efforts.  Nice.
Hannah...well, she's not so good at chores.  We need to keep working on that I guess.

I saw the surgeon this morning.  He doesn't think I need surgery.  I have some weakness in my right foot so we are going to watch that and hope for some improvement in the next couple of weeks.  If not I'll get an epidural steroid shot.  He said that this kind of problem often resolves itself in 6-8 weeks.  So there you go.  I have been so surprised by al the people I have learned of who have back problems of one kind or another.  And at the vast variety of advice I have been given regarding back care.  See a chiropractor, what ever you do do NOT see a chiropractor, see a surgeon, DON'T see one, eat egg shells, stretch forward only, stretch backwards only, apply heat, apply ice, wear magnetic brackets, walk, swim, bed rest, etc.  Crazy.

While I've been down I've been about to read a lot, and watch more TV than I'd like to admit. I read one great book called "Global Mom".  Really loved it, it was so beautifully written and smart, and so engaging.  It's about a family that has lived extensively abroad.  Read some not so great ones too.  I watched Thor for the first time, and Now You See Me and I don't know what else

Grace has been doing lots of crafts by my side, which is fun.  Ethan's working on scouting and science fair stuff (somewhat reluctantly), Hannah has been on line shopping.  We've adapted to a more at home pace..I am looking forward to more activity.

When I get bored I go onto Royal Caribbean's website and browse through the excursions available on our cruise.  Can't wait to go with A&K, V&R.  So looking forward to that.

I can't believe it's almost Oct.  Can't wait for General Conference.

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