That being said it still stinks. There is plenty of work and details to be aware of and take care of in a cross country move.
Then there is the super awkward part of sitting and watching people work in your house.
That was today.
In other news Ruth May started her heart worm and flea and tick protection meds. They come in a tasty, meat flavored, chewable tablet which Ziva spit out. I hid it in ham, she ate around it. I put it in a little cheese ball and she ran under the table, discarded the pill and ate the cheese (shades of poison wood bible?). Finally like a mother hummingbird I had to cut it into quarters and stick it down her throat. Dumb dog.

Ethan’s instagram today.

Once the movers were gone for the day I got to continue the fun with a quick two load trip to the laundry mat. I am grateful it’s close to home and that I have quarters.
Ethan’s instagram today.
Once the movers were gone for the day I got to continue the fun with a quick two load trip to the laundry mat. I am grateful it’s close to home and that I have quarters.
And this is how Grace spent her day:) Lucky girl. Being the 13 year old is awesome! Being the mom -not always:)
It was really nice for Grace to have a last day with so many of her friends. Last night Makayla spent the night (which is a super rare treat- typically we do not do sleepovers) and the girls giggled until the wee hours.
I hope she and Ethan both make good friends quickly.