We are down to two babies. Sophie keeps eating them. Grace took them away from her and is hand feeding them. It's been 2 days and so far they are alive. This one is Matilda. She looks cute. Tiny.
It is snowing in Rexburg. We ordered some boots and tights for Hannah. I think Nana is making robes for her and Kenz, and sending scarves for the girls. They are super excited.
Tuesday Pres. Eyring and several apostles came to BYU for the innauguration of Pres (of the school, son of) Eyring. Hannah is a devotional usher and therefore got great seats!

Tonight we are supposed to have a RS swim party at our house. Yesterday Grace and I went out to clean the pool ( see the wetsuit....that lets you know how warm it is outside. ) last night R went out in the dark and did some touching up and cleaning of the filters so the vacuum would work. Today it's sparkly ....and it's raining. So we are having an un-pool party instead.
Tonight we are supposed to have a RS swim party at our house. Yesterday Grace and I went out to clean the pool ( see the wetsuit....that lets you know how warm it is outside. ) last night R went out in the dark and did some touching up and cleaning of the filters so the vacuum would work. Today it's sparkly ....and it's raining. So we are having an un-pool party instead.
Oh well:)

I can't believe what a good artist Sierra is! This looks just like Penny!
I've been teaching seminary this week. It's been good. Yesterday I finally had the opportunity to work the Alec plane crash story into a lesson. We were reading in 2 Nephi 10 and talking about making choices but not being able to choose the consequence. I showed a picture of Alec and told the class that he is my brother. That he loves adventure and fitness and that he is an awesome man. One day he and a couple of his buddies went on a back country hike. The flew up early in the morning when the weather was cool. Enjoyed hiking and nature. Then in the heat of the afternoon decided it was time to head back. The problems were not a few, high weight makes flying harder. High heat does too. There are a lot of reasons why this is but I won't go into them now. (Mostly because this is all I remember about it but trust me there are a lot) The point is at the time they took off many factors were not in their favor.
I can't believe what a good artist Sierra is! This looks just like Penny!
The pilot, at least, should have known this. He decided to try anyway.
As they were going down the runway things were not right. They could have aborted. They choose to keep going.
Then they were in the air and soon after they were crashing. Then crashed. The story ends, thankfully, okay, everyone lived.
The parallel we drew this morning was that when they were above the trees, moments away from crashing, it was too late to decide anything. They were in the middle of their consequences. The time for decision-making was when they were on the ground. Or maybe even while they were taxiing down the runway.
In our life there are many times when we make decisions and making the right decisions, righteous decisions, can keep us away from harmful consequences. At some point it is too late to change our course and we must live with the consequences of our choice. Much like Alec and his friends when they found themselves crashing towards the treetops, at that point they had no choice but to live with a consequence. I think the lesson was very well received and had an impact.
This summer I was pondering my understanding of the words of Isaiah and feeling bad that I was very much lacking in that department. I decided to study, and to make a real attempt at understanding his words. I bought a study guide, which I have been using, and it's been really great. Still I have struggled and have sometimes spent quite a long time trying to understand even a small portion of the text. I have prayed for better understanding. This is been ongoing for the last couple of months. When Karen called and asked me to sub of course I said yes and the very first morning I found myself knee-deep in the Isaiah chapters. As I have been studying these last two weeks in preparation to teach the youth each morning I have had several sweet and enlightening experiences. It has literally been an answer to prayer and I am so grateful and humbled to be tutored by the Holy Spirit.
It has been a "delight to my soul."
Update: 10pm, finally. Today was busy. Seminary. Then subbing special Ed. Then rush home to clean. Then help Kayla set up for the RS un-swim party. Then the party. Which was fun. Then finally time to prepare tomorrow's lesson. Now I am tired. Phew!
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