is that it's totally impossible to do selfless service. Any and every time I have a calling, or am asked to help someone, or serve my family the blessings and joy I receive are so much greater than the good I do that the scale tips greatly in my favor. Sometimes I think of my life as a scale with a good side and a bad side, or with good I do vs good and blessings I get. I want the scale to tip towards me being good and doing good. I want this so that I can earn a heavenly reward, this is an impossible task. I could never do or be good enough to tip the scale so that I am on the "good" side. The miracle of the atonement is that Christ, our Savior, paid the full price for us. He paid 100% of the cost so that we can return to live with Him and with our Heavenly Father again. It is through His unmerited, undeserved, and unrepayable mercy, grace and love that we can return and enjoy all the blessings of eternal life and exaltation. All we have to do is accept that, and live our lives in obedience to the laws and ordinances of the gospel, repenting along the way. What a joy.
So last night we had a presidency meeting. We have lots of great things coming up and had to do a lot of planning and preparing. We met at Becky's house and brought dinner stuff, did a little fixing up and then ate and planned. It was sooo fun! I seriously love these women, they are amazing.
Becky, Tara and Jodie |
the most amazing grilled cheese ever, ever.
The secret ingredient is honey.
Our dinner was so good. I made grilled cheese sandwiches, Beck had a lovely fruit platter with mangoes, pineapple, pomegranate and kiwi, Jodie did dessert which was brownies, ice cream, carmel sauce, nuts and whipped cream, and T brought drinks. We could open a restaurant it was that good.
Then we planned our Jan. dance, with some super fun games and things to mix it up.
We talked about our youth committee and turned in names, set up some orientations for another new ward presidency.
We planned and made all the assignments for our Beehive Conf., which I am super excited about. And our Priest Laurel Dinner Dance.
We also laughed a lot.
This is such a great post! That is how I feel! Like "wait I am getting blessed to do this? Awesome!!!" :) have loved every minute of serving with you this last year. Although I do think you could have elaborated on the drinks part.... ;)