What a day! Lots of fun stuff. This morning we got up and unloaded all our stuff from our trip and cleaned the house. Rob really got in a cleaning mood and went to town on our floors and other things. Love it! Nothing is more attractive than a man doing some household chores!
When we were done he and Ethan watched some football. They were very happy when Ohio State won!
Lu and I had lots of plans for the day too. First we went to see Frozen, which was so cute. Loved it! Then we went to Bradley's skating party which was lots of fun, especially since her friend Fiona was there. Then we went to Target.
When we got back I fixed dinner for the girls and got Lu jammed up and ready for bed and then the boys and I went to see Catching Fire. Han had already seen it last week. It was also really good. Very true to the book. We got home late and Bub fell asleep on the car ride home, funny boy. It was a good day.
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Friday, November 29, 2013
We are headed home a day early, the cabin wasn't as nice as we had hoped. The hot tub wasn't hot and the beds were uncomfortable. We missed having wifi and being able to make phone calls. Luckily we could check out early and get a night refunded.
Despite that we had a fun time. We played a lot of games. We played Killer Bunnies, Ruckus, and Would You Rather. A lot.
We traipsed around the woods and the
Despite that we had a fun time. We played a lot of games. We played Killer Bunnies, Ruckus, and Would You Rather. A lot.
We traipsed around the woods and the
menfolk tried to live off the land, no fish or squirrels lost their lives in the endeavor.
Our turkey dinner was yummy and the parade was fun to watch. Overall I would give it a 7 out of 10, which is a good time.
Our turkey dinner was yummy and the parade was fun to watch. Overall I would give it a 7 out of 10, which is a good time.
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Cabin Fun
For thanksgiving we decided to take a little trip. We have a cute little cabin on the Shenandoah River. It's snowy and cold but cute and quiet. Our car was sooo packed on the way up here that we were literally holding stuff on our laps. It made me laugh.
Monday, November 25, 2013
Weekend wrap up
I went to Super Saturday. The best part was chatting with friends and the delicious soups we are for lunch.
Hannah went to the movies with some friends.
The rest of us went to the Hendersons wedding, which was very nice and the children were very well behaved.
We went to church and heard some great talks on gratitude.
Gracie went home with the McCombs and then I got a report that she was so nice and sweet and played with Frankie. I love to hear good things about the kids. Gives me hope:)
Also heard something nice about Hannah being kind and that was wonderful too.
Had the Elders over for dinner.
Watched The Host on net flicks.
Today I grocery shopped for thanksgiving, painful, did two hours of on line training so I can sub again, and tonight we are going to an "all about the Catholics" night that some friends invited us to and that sounded fun at first but
now I don't want to go and wish we were going to the Marshes annual pie fest instead.
Saturday, November 23, 2013
gender stereo types :)
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hating the outfit Hannah made |
Ethan's been working hard at scouting, he's almost finished with his first class rank and he is enjoying the various camping trips they have gone on. Mostly because his dad is always there with him, his friends are there with him and who doesn't like sitting around the fire? It seems like it has been raining almost every trip they've gone on but to quote Mark Henderson "there is no bad weather, only bad equipment" and taking that to heart R bought a good tent and sleeping bags so they have been fine.
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knitting, movie watching |
Friday, November 22, 2013
the trick to doing service...
is that it's totally impossible to do selfless service. Any and every time I have a calling, or am asked to help someone, or serve my family the blessings and joy I receive are so much greater than the good I do that the scale tips greatly in my favor. Sometimes I think of my life as a scale with a good side and a bad side, or with good I do vs good and blessings I get. I want the scale to tip towards me being good and doing good. I want this so that I can earn a heavenly reward, this is an impossible task. I could never do or be good enough to tip the scale so that I am on the "good" side. The miracle of the atonement is that Christ, our Savior, paid the full price for us. He paid 100% of the cost so that we can return to live with Him and with our Heavenly Father again. It is through His unmerited, undeserved, and unrepayable mercy, grace and love that we can return and enjoy all the blessings of eternal life and exaltation. All we have to do is accept that, and live our lives in obedience to the laws and ordinances of the gospel, repenting along the way. What a joy.
So last night we had a presidency meeting. We have lots of great things coming up and had to do a lot of planning and preparing. We met at Becky's house and brought dinner stuff, did a little fixing up and then ate and planned. It was sooo fun! I seriously love these women, they are amazing.
So last night we had a presidency meeting. We have lots of great things coming up and had to do a lot of planning and preparing. We met at Becky's house and brought dinner stuff, did a little fixing up and then ate and planned. It was sooo fun! I seriously love these women, they are amazing.
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Becky, Tara and Jodie |
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the most amazing grilled cheese ever, ever. The secret ingredient is honey. |
Our dinner was so good. I made grilled cheese sandwiches, Beck had a lovely fruit platter with mangoes, pineapple, pomegranate and kiwi, Jodie did dessert which was brownies, ice cream, carmel sauce, nuts and whipped cream, and T brought drinks. We could open a restaurant it was that good.
Then we planned our Jan. dance, with some super fun games and things to mix it up.
We talked about our youth committee and turned in names, set up some orientations for another new ward presidency.
We planned and made all the assignments for our Beehive Conf., which I am super excited about. And our Priest Laurel Dinner Dance.
We also laughed a lot.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
<3 Instagram
I went to Instagram today and saw these cute kiddos! They are much bigger now! How time flies:)
So Christmas shopping is about done! A few odds and ends to finish but the bulk of this elf's work is done. Last night we needed to run to Target before scouts/AD/YW and the children admired the fabulous stuff to be found on every aisle:). Lots of good times!
So Christmas shopping is about done! A few odds and ends to finish but the bulk of this elf's work is done. Last night we needed to run to Target before scouts/AD/YW and the children admired the fabulous stuff to be found on every aisle:). Lots of good times!
Today was Bof M study group and tonight I have a presidency meeting. I'm looking forward to it, we have some fun events to plan and I love to see those good women.
The weather today is beautiful AND my laundry is almost all done. One hamper is half full so at some point tonight, for a few minutes at least we may be enjoying a laundry miracle:)...maybe.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Yesterday I went visiting teaching. When I picked up Malia I went inside and saw these beautiful felted dolls that Tracie had made. They were aMaZinG! We visited with Sarah and her cute girls. Abby wanted us to go home :) and when we left she wanted us to still be there. Love 5 year olds! I also visited Darlaina so now I only have Laurel and I will be 100%. That would be lovely, and unusual.
Last night was Brownies. Each year the girls make "operation christmas child boxes" and last night they brought enough stuff to fill and mail 10 little boxes. It's a nice little service they get to do. Grace really wanted to keep one of the items we bought for herself. I told her that's how she knows it's a really good gift, it she would want it herself than probably another 8 year old girl would too.
They made cute ornaments and had a fun night.
Some things that made me laugh this morning: Z. She is my waking up the kids helper. Each morning, 5:40 am, we stumble down the hall to Ethan's room. I turn on the light and wake him up, Z is back up. She jumps on the bed and licks him every where until he is up, then she licks at his heels as she herds him to the shower. It's pretty funny.
Last night we had another washing machine incident. Once again the miracle worker (Rob) was able to identify and remedy the situation (sadly one of these days he won't be able to and then what? we buy a washer? or I start pounding laundry on rocks? since I wash dishes by hand I think I will just cross my fingers that this one lasts forEVER) When Ethan went to bed there was still some question about whether on not clean underpants would b available to him this morning so while he was in the shower I got his stuff out and put it on my bed, then I said to R, who was shaving while E was showering, "tell Ethan I put his outfit on my bed for him", knowing that boys don't wear outfits. Then I heard him say to the shower, "Ethan, mom put your clothes on the bed". I don't know what but the translation made me laugh.
Last night I made ham casserole for dinner. It was good. The children didn't like it. Why do I feed them?
Also last night R and I went through a couple of the boxes in the garage. We had a loft built for storage out there and are culling some crap so there is room to be organized with the useful stuff. Where does all this stuff come from??
Tonight is YW/Scouts/Activity days.
Hoping for a snowy ride this winter :), Annie and I look just like this ;)
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Happy Birthday Papa!!!
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Papa and Bub this summer |
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Papa when he was in the Army |
2. His family was very poor, like so poor that when we all visited his home he exclaimed "oh they have made some improvements" as I looked around at the dirt floor, dark walls, small "house" with a wire hanging down in the middle of the room with a lightbulb on it I remember thinking "oh boy". The lightbulb was the improvement.
3. That trip to France, the summer of my 6th grade year, had a big impact on me. For one thing I used to complain about walking to school (I guess, I don't remember complaining) but after our walk to his house I said "I will never complain about walking again" and I have not.
4. Dad loves family history work. He spent hours on that trip gathering information for his family, being literally a saviour on mount zion for his dearly departed. I have often heard of his anguish at all the names he could not find, and the pile of paperwork on the stone floor in the church where it sat decomposing, possibly to be lost forever.
5. When Dad was a boy he had a toy. A little bus, which he would put on the ground and put a finger on and then drive around making tracks and giving him much joy.
6. A better toy by far was his imagination. Like all little boys he had a talent for mischief. One time constructing "wings" from turkey feathers and trying to fly from the top of the barn, another time exploding frogs with his brother, etc.
9. When Dad was a school boy his teacher would take him and the class outside where they would sing songs, a favorite of Dad's was "the trout" by Shubert. Which Anna and I learned how to play as a very delightful duet.
10. Dad loves hamburgers (like Clayton)
11. When he was still a child he was apprenticed to a house painter where he learned a trade and helped his family.
12. Dad decided as a young man to leave for the United States and to make an new life for himself.
13. Not speaking English and with a pocket book filled much more with courage than cash he set off for San Fransisco.
14. One of his first jobs in the US was to dig graves ( a lot of fun I expect ).
15. During Vietnam he enlisted in the Army and was stationed in Alaska.
16. He learned English and went to school, eventually earning a Masters Degree .
17. He then moved his family to southern California and spent his career teaching high school and community college.
18. Dad met mom when he lost a coin toss, or something close to that. He and a buddy wanted to go dancing. Dad wanted to go to the Irish center (he's always had a thing for those Irish ;) and his friend wanted to go to the Russian center, so they tossed a coin, dad lost, and off he went to meet the love of his life. I hope he thanked that good friend.
19. Dad is smart. Really smart.
20. He is kind, really kind.
21. Dad wanted 1 child…maybe 2. Mom wanted 12. They compromised at 8. Dad is good at compromise.
22. Dad wanted to serve many missions, like 12. Mom wanted to stay home and be a grandma (def the best part). They are now on mission #2, mom's pretty good at compromise too.
23. His favorite color is red.
24. He likes sweets.
25. Dad is a good cook,
26. he always helped with chores at home when I was growing up.
27. He makes delicious beef stroganoff, as well as not so delicious "leprosy chicken".
28. I don't think I've ever seen him make a dessert.
29. But I do remember him buying them.
30. Dad likes orange wedge candy.
31. He has had several pet fish that he trained to follow his finger.
32. He likes to sing and whistle and play the accordion and harmonica.
33. Dad has good balance.
34. While not really an outdoorsman he spent many an afternoon sitting by the side of some body of water watching my brother fish.
35. While not really a camper he took our family camping ever summer which we LOVED, and took the boys on the fathers/sons outting camping EVERY year, which they LOVED.
36. While not really a shopper he will stand patiently in any store holding your jacket, or reading the magazines if you are in Wal-mart while his family shops.
37. He would do anything for his family.
38. When I was growing up he'd sometimes take just me to McDonald's for a big mac.
39. For FHE treat we often would go to Thrifty (a drug store) for ice cream cones. We loved that!
40. Dad has gone to the temple at least every month for as long as I have known him, and since living in Utah has gone sometimes more than once a day.
41. Everyone says he has an accent, but I don't hear it. Nor do my sibs.
42. There are 7 of us and each is sure we are his favorite child, I, of course, am right.
43. Dad was my bishop when I was a teenager. Worst day of my life was confessing my sins to him. He was super kind and loved me anyway.
44. Dad was a stake patriarch and has given Dani, Sierra and Jenna their blessing. I am looking forward to the next three receiving their blessings from him.
45. He speaks 5 + languages.
46. He is in great shape and I am sure that saved his life when he had bypass surgery.
47. When we were small he would take us walking around San Francisco and especially Golden Gate park for hours.
48. He is a great missionary.
49. I often quote him or tell stories about him in talks I give, as if he were a general authority, which I always say. He's the best man I know.
50. He likes to floss his teeth.
51. He never yelled at me, ever. Although I got a couple spankings. Notably one when we were driving to SF and (this was in the era before mandatory seat belts) Alec and I were laying in the back of the bus and playing "lets see who can punch each other in the stomach hardest with out crying" (clearly a great game that nice children play) and I punched him and he bawled and I got spanked. So not fair.
Another time I used my hand instead of a napkin, gross but still.
52. When we were kids and we'd get mad at him because he was so lecturey and good we'd call him "Lehi" as in "you're just like Lehi STOMP STOMP STOMP". This probably did not bother him.
53. He has a bad back.
54. He likes dogs.
55. If you take him to a museum he will want to read every word on every plaque.
56. He is not quick to the point, and you must never ask him to bless the food on fast Sunday. In fact this past week during a meeting Bub asked me how long the speaker was going to be and I said "oh short", then he said short like you and papa or real person short?
57. This did not bother me as I consider it the highest compliment to be compared to him in any way.
58. …and I am actually not that long winded. (ahem)
59. He loves FogHorn LegHorn.
60. If cartoons are on he will stop what he is doing and watch.
61. He loves science fiction.
62. I watched Star Trek with him from the time I was a wee babe.
63. He loves science.
64. He loves to learn and know things.
65. Every night while I was growing up he came to my room to kiss me good night and sing me a song.
66. Every morning in high school he woke me up for seminary.
67. I knew seminary was not optional.
68. Dad baptized me when I was 8.
69. I remember kneeling by the font and watching him and mom get baptized when I was 5.
70. This changed our families lives forever.
71. on my bucket list is traveling to Israel with him. May not happen but I would love it.
72. Dad is a poet.
how old are you dad?? 70 something, lets call it 75, I could be wrong, for the record this is not an indicator of lack of love I don't remember how old I am either, or how much most of my babies weighed when they were born (I have to make it up when they ask) or to buy milk when I go to the store for milk and get distracted by the shiny Christmas decorations.
73. Dad is a 100%er in home teaching.
74. Dad has read the scriptures more times than I can count.
75. He is THE BEST! Love you dad, happy birthday!
update: he is 74!! But my list still works!
19. Dad is smart. Really smart.
20. He is kind, really kind.
21. Dad wanted 1 child…maybe 2. Mom wanted 12. They compromised at 8. Dad is good at compromise.
22. Dad wanted to serve many missions, like 12. Mom wanted to stay home and be a grandma (def the best part). They are now on mission #2, mom's pretty good at compromise too.
23. His favorite color is red.
24. He likes sweets.
25. Dad is a good cook,
26. he always helped with chores at home when I was growing up.
27. He makes delicious beef stroganoff, as well as not so delicious "leprosy chicken".
28. I don't think I've ever seen him make a dessert.
29. But I do remember him buying them.
30. Dad likes orange wedge candy.
31. He has had several pet fish that he trained to follow his finger.
32. He likes to sing and whistle and play the accordion and harmonica.
33. Dad has good balance.
34. While not really an outdoorsman he spent many an afternoon sitting by the side of some body of water watching my brother fish.
35. While not really a camper he took our family camping ever summer which we LOVED, and took the boys on the fathers/sons outting camping EVERY year, which they LOVED.
36. While not really a shopper he will stand patiently in any store holding your jacket, or reading the magazines if you are in Wal-mart while his family shops.
37. He would do anything for his family.
38. When I was growing up he'd sometimes take just me to McDonald's for a big mac.
39. For FHE treat we often would go to Thrifty (a drug store) for ice cream cones. We loved that!
40. Dad has gone to the temple at least every month for as long as I have known him, and since living in Utah has gone sometimes more than once a day.
41. Everyone says he has an accent, but I don't hear it. Nor do my sibs.
42. There are 7 of us and each is sure we are his favorite child, I, of course, am right.
43. Dad was my bishop when I was a teenager. Worst day of my life was confessing my sins to him. He was super kind and loved me anyway.
44. Dad was a stake patriarch and has given Dani, Sierra and Jenna their blessing. I am looking forward to the next three receiving their blessings from him.
45. He speaks 5 + languages.
46. He is in great shape and I am sure that saved his life when he had bypass surgery.
47. When we were small he would take us walking around San Francisco and especially Golden Gate park for hours.
48. He is a great missionary.
49. I often quote him or tell stories about him in talks I give, as if he were a general authority, which I always say. He's the best man I know.
50. He likes to floss his teeth.
51. He never yelled at me, ever. Although I got a couple spankings. Notably one when we were driving to SF and (this was in the era before mandatory seat belts) Alec and I were laying in the back of the bus and playing "lets see who can punch each other in the stomach hardest with out crying" (clearly a great game that nice children play) and I punched him and he bawled and I got spanked. So not fair.
Another time I used my hand instead of a napkin, gross but still.
52. When we were kids and we'd get mad at him because he was so lecturey and good we'd call him "Lehi" as in "you're just like Lehi STOMP STOMP STOMP". This probably did not bother him.
53. He has a bad back.
54. He likes dogs.
55. If you take him to a museum he will want to read every word on every plaque.
56. He is not quick to the point, and you must never ask him to bless the food on fast Sunday. In fact this past week during a meeting Bub asked me how long the speaker was going to be and I said "oh short", then he said short like you and papa or real person short?
57. This did not bother me as I consider it the highest compliment to be compared to him in any way.
58. …and I am actually not that long winded. (ahem)
59. He loves FogHorn LegHorn.
60. If cartoons are on he will stop what he is doing and watch.
61. He loves science fiction.
62. I watched Star Trek with him from the time I was a wee babe.
63. He loves science.
64. He loves to learn and know things.
65. Every night while I was growing up he came to my room to kiss me good night and sing me a song.
66. Every morning in high school he woke me up for seminary.
67. I knew seminary was not optional.
68. Dad baptized me when I was 8.
69. I remember kneeling by the font and watching him and mom get baptized when I was 5.
70. This changed our families lives forever.
71. on my bucket list is traveling to Israel with him. May not happen but I would love it.
72. Dad is a poet.
how old are you dad?? 70 something, lets call it 75, I could be wrong, for the record this is not an indicator of lack of love I don't remember how old I am either, or how much most of my babies weighed when they were born (I have to make it up when they ask) or to buy milk when I go to the store for milk and get distracted by the shiny Christmas decorations.
73. Dad is a 100%er in home teaching.
74. Dad has read the scriptures more times than I can count.
75. He is THE BEST! Love you dad, happy birthday!
update: he is 74!! But my list still works!
Sunday, November 17, 2013
weekend wrap up
Rob went with Wade to Virigina for some scout training this weekend. He said it was worth his time and that he learned a lot. I think he has one more training to go to before he gets the "trained' patch. He's been spending a lot of time and energy on the boys and they really like him.
While he was gone I took Ethan to Kohl's cup. It was a lot of fun for me to be out on the soccer field again watching him. They had four games won 2, tied 1 and lost 1. Ethan played well and scored several goals.
In the evening Hannah went to Chelsea's house to hang out and R and E went to see Thor. Grace and I stayed home and watched movies and crafted.
Church today was really nice, as usual. I enjoyed all the speakers and it's just always nice to be there, learning and fellowshipping and renewing my covenants.
While he was gone I took Ethan to Kohl's cup. It was a lot of fun for me to be out on the soccer field again watching him. They had four games won 2, tied 1 and lost 1. Ethan played well and scored several goals.
In the evening Hannah went to Chelsea's house to hang out and R and E went to see Thor. Grace and I stayed home and watched movies and crafted.
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Grace and Izzy |
After church Grace asked if she could have Izzy over to play. The girls had a great afternoon. They were so good and kept themselves entertained the whole time. They made cookies, crafted, sang songs, played outside and each had two servings of noodles with chicken for dinner and grilled cheese and bananas for lunch.
The first thing I remember wanting was a horse. I read lots of horse books, and spent a lot of time drawing horses. Finally I lucked out and got to ride Carol Markham's pony Velvet a lot. Also my BFF Lana got a horse Goldie, so we had a lot of fun with that (when I wasn't being jealous :) ) I wanted a horse so much I actually bought tack and kept it in my room "just in case". Silly. It's been really fun for me over the years that several of the girls have gotten to take riding lessons. Now I get to and it's great! I've really enjoyed the couple of times I've gone so far. Too bad it's so pricey.
This boy and his science project, it's been kind of tough. He is a smart boy but doesn't really know how to do this independently and has become discouraged and grumpy several times. R has really been the one helping him and I am sure they will both be happy when it is complete.
Tonight our ward had YWIE. They did a cute shoe take on "Stand in Holy Places". For refreshments they made these darling cupcakes and had sprite floats. The program was very nice. Hannah knit a cute hat to show for one of her talents.
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me on Annie |
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Science fair project is almost done |
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super cute cupcakes from YWIE |
When we got home R went on a run, Lu went to bed and E and Han and I watched "Arthur Christmas" super cute BTW. I love Christmas movie season!!
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Make a well worn path
I was talking with Pres. Volk one time and telling him that it was hard to get up to the temple as often as we would like, and the children's schedules and needs often conflicted with going, etcetera. He told me to make a well worn path for them to follow. This spoke to my heart and I try to keep that in mind.
Although it's still kind of far, not I walked all day through the desert to get there far, or we saved up for three years to take a 5 five day bus ride holding a chicken on my lap far. But still I'm gone for 7 hours if we don't stop to eat far. So we still don't go as often as we'd like.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
It's in the bag!
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Alaura, Shawnessy, Morgan, Stevie, Abigail, Maggie, Summer and Jackie Faith, Izzy, Grace, Arden and Ashby |
Tonight was the activity day girls recognition night. It was so cute. The girls each shared things they had been working on for the past few months. Darlaina and Leisa are super creative and fun. I am grateful that they are Grace's leaders.
Also today I took Hannah to get a sports physical and Rob took her to the swim team orientation meeting.
Ethan went back to school and went to Kohl's cup practice and went to Scouts.
Grace had chess club and recognition night.
I did 6 loads of laundry and we bought a juicer which arrived in the mail. Busy, good blessed busy.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
oh the weather outside is frightful!
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my brothers: Alec and Michael this picture is random |
E: "why don't we just give them money?"
Me: "because we want to give them something personal, something that lets them know we love them"
E: "money says I love you enough to not waste your time buying a dumb gift that you will need to return."
Me: "nope"
E: "mom, have you ever bought a gift that hasn't needed to be returned??"
Me: "sigh" (sorry future daughter in law)
After complaining his way through several other stores we ended up in JCP, he was carrying our bags and trudging along behind me when I called a halt. He looked up and said with a huge groan:
"OH NO! I recognize this place this is where Hannah spent an HOUR looking for a dress!" Then he plopped on a chair and offered to hold my purse (in which was my cell phone, on which is loaded games that an 11 year old boy loves) and he said "take your time" (take that back FDIL, he might be just fine after all)
My guess is his next "droopy" day he'll go to school.
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ready for a walk in the cold |
This afternoon we had snow flurries. Brrr. Tonight Z had to wear her new jacket, I also had to wear a jacket and gloves…I don't love being cold.
Monday, November 11, 2013
Veterans Day
Rob took the day off work, he didn't have it automatically. This morning he and I went to the parade. Lu was marching in it with the brownie troop. It was actually a lot of fun. Very festive and lots of excitement in the air. We sat with the Bainters/Youngs and also saw lots of other friends and neighbors there. One of the fun things about living in a small town.
After the parade Ethan and Dad spent the rest of the day on Ethan's science fair project. In STEM he will have one ginormous project a year so I guess we better get used to this.
In the afternoon Lu had her riding lesson, we had dinner, watched a documentary on juicing, read scriptures, the usual. It was a nice day.
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Sunday, November 10, 2013
Today I went to the Capital Hill ward to do some training. Becky and I went to the block first, that is one of the really fun parts of this calling, traveling and visiting different wards. They had their primary program, which was really cute.
I got home with just enough time to prep some dishes and then we headed over to the McCombs for the evening. The kids had a great time playing in their yard. They raked leaves and jumped and swung for a long time. Laura is an amazing cook and we enjoyed a very yummy dinner.
After dinner we watched the 3rd Work and the Glory movie and then headed home. It was a good day. Bub fell asleep during the movie and came home with a fever :( Hopefully he'll feel better tomorrow.
I got home with just enough time to prep some dishes and then we headed over to the McCombs for the evening. The kids had a great time playing in their yard. They raked leaves and jumped and swung for a long time. Laura is an amazing cook and we enjoyed a very yummy dinner.
After dinner we watched the 3rd Work and the Glory movie and then headed home. It was a good day. Bub fell asleep during the movie and came home with a fever :( Hopefully he'll feel better tomorrow.
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afternoon fun |
Saturday, November 9, 2013
We woke up this morning with no real plans for the day. That felt very strange. While we were eating breakfast we got a call to see if we could come clean the church so we finished up, got dressed and went over. I actually don't mind cleaning it. It takes a couple of hours but isn't unpleasant. The Streeters joined us, as well as Joseph.
When we were done cleaning R and Lu did some errands and then went fishing.
The rest of us, plus Joseph did some returns and grocery buying. Public Service Announcement: do not buy candy cane Oreos. They are so tasty and the bag is alrady gone:(. Hannah and Joseph did some tree climbing.
When we were done cleaning R and Lu did some errands and then went fishing.
The rest of us, plus Joseph did some returns and grocery buying. Public Service Announcement: do not buy candy cane Oreos. They are so tasty and the bag is alrady gone:(. Hannah and Joseph did some tree climbing.
This evening we are gathering around the table for some spaghetti. Grace and I are making hats on our knitting looms, Dad and boy are working on the science project.
Friday, November 8, 2013
happy day
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Annie |
It was amazing. So FUN. Frankly more fun than anything. Long story long I got there and my instructor (here after referred to as Ally as that is her name) was giving another lesson. I told her not to hurry and just watched. (back hurt a little, silently cursing my 90 year old woman self). Then she finished and we went to get Henry, who I was supposed to ride. Just as we got his tack out Marie came up, who normally rides Henry on Mon/Fri and said she had a make up lesson and she only rides Henry or she will fall off. So after some discussion between Ally and Bobby (barn owner) while Marie and I talked horses and petted Henry it was decided that I would ride Annie. Which was a great choice. She is a little more spirited but was so responsive and fun. She is tall, like her back is taller than the top of my head and the first second I was on her I felt a little trepidation. Then we started and it was great. I learned a lot. I've never ridden English. I am really looking forward to more lessons. She was so responsive and comfortable. It was great!
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Annie |
It felt kind of like this :)
Thursday, November 7, 2013
another day, another ironed shirt
On Thursday mornings I go to a Book of Mormon study group. This is the 2nd year the group has been meeting but I didn't go last year because I was subbing almost every day. This year I have gone every week and it's been such a joy. We meet and use a study guide and read and talk. It's been so uplifting to hear the other sisters perspectives and experiences. My favorite conversations are about the gospel. The other night we had dinner with some friends and sat at the table after and talked about the gospel for an hour. It was great!
The rest of the day I ironed and watched Sense and Sensibility and drove kids around and made dinner. Hannah had a swim team meeting, Grace watched somebody blowing things up on youtube in the name of science. Ethan played with John and Webb then worked on his science fair project. It was a pretty typical day.
The rest of the day I ironed and watched Sense and Sensibility and drove kids around and made dinner. Hannah had a swim team meeting, Grace watched somebody blowing things up on youtube in the name of science. Ethan played with John and Webb then worked on his science fair project. It was a pretty typical day.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
a day in the life
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proof that I do her hair |
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spicy thai |
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waiting for the bus |
Tonight Bub went to soccer practice, he's playing in the Kohls cup in a couple of weeks and met up with the team to practice. It was much more fun than baseball.
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selfie |
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