Saturday, September 3, 2016

Face palm

This evening Hannah went out with friends. Rob and I planned on a date. Boy and Lu wanted pizza, specifically from papa johns. So we went and got it for them stopping to check out the new library on the way (so exciting). Brought home pizza. 
A little later I get a text from Ethan "Grace left the pizza box open and Ziva got on the pizza, I'm hungry". 
I wasn't too hungry so I agreed to Dickeys for our date and I hadn't eaten much of my dinner so I boxed up the ribs and beans and brought them home to boy.
Are the pizza paw prints everywhere now? I asked when I came home.
Okay here's my dinner.
He sits at the counter and starts to eat. A.minute.later he comes to complain 
"I left my dinner to play the x box and Percy ate my ribs."

Rotten animals for sure but I think the blame lies squarely on the shoulders of the human who didn't sit down to eat ....twice.

Sit at the table and eat your dinner. 
How hard is that?

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